NUJ disappointed with DAP’s Hew and Tan

(BERNAMA) – The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) is disappointed with DAP election publicity chief Hew Kuan Yau for making a sweeping statement that journalists were “prostitutes”.

NUJ general secretary V. Anbalagan said the union was equally appalled by DAP disciplinary committee chairman Tan Kok Wai‘s stand for giving tacit support by saying that Hew was merely stating a fact.

He said Hew’s statement had tarnished the image of journalists working in the print, electronic and online media.

“This is unfair as he has cast aspersions on journalists, a special category of people to serve the public and raise issues of public interest,” he said in a statement Sunday.

It was reported Sunday that Hew had apologised for the controversy caused by his remarks.

Anbalagan said Hew should have backed his statement with a specific case like, who the person was, and which organisation he/she worked in.

“Hew should have complained to the organisation so that action could be taken, irrespective of whether the journalist was an executive, bargainable employee (most of whom are NUJ members), contract employee or stringer.

“We demand that the DAP leadership take action against Hew and Tan as truth or fact must be supported with evidence.

“Anything short is baseless and unfounded allegation against journalists and the profession,” he said.

