DAP and PKR Leaders Join STAR


Over 2,000 enthusiastic crowd turned up at the joint launching of three divisions of State Reform Party (STAR) Sabah chapter at a food court hall near here yesterday.

The three STAR divisions are Keningau, Tenom and Pensiangan. Its chairman here, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, launched them in front of an enthusiastic crowd which often disrupted speeches by the party leaders

The party which was established in Sabah only early last month had also attracted leaders and members from other parties to join it.

Yesterday, the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) head for Pensiangan, Danny Andipai, handed over his application form to Dr Jeffrey. He said he had lost confidence in the Peninsular-based party as “it is not as good as is heard” and that important decisions are all made in Kuala Lumpur.

“PKR leaders in Kuala Lumpur are the one who call the shots and this is not what Sabahans wanted. So i quit and am joining Dr Jeffrey in this struggle through a local party,” he said after handing over his application.

Sabah DAP meanwhile lost its chairman for Tanjung Aru Branch, Dr Felix Chong Kat Fah, when he too handed over his application form to Dr Jeffrey at the function.

Dr Chong, a former director of Sandakan Duchess of Kent Hospital, was also Sabah DAP’s chairman for its state Medical and Health Advisory Bureau.

In his resignation letter sent to DAP secretary general, Lim Guan Eng, two days ago, Dr Chong, 44, also announced the dissolution of DAP’s Tanjung Aru branch.

A former supreme council member of Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah (PBRS), lawyer Martin Tommy also had joined STAR earlier and he was spotted at the function yesterday wearing a STAR shirt mingling with state STAR leaders.

STAR coordinator for Liawan, Dr Nicholas James Guntobon, who was also the organising chairman, expressed confidence that the people from the Interior has shown that they are disillusioned with the current BN regime and they want change.

“Today we are creating a history. Change has come and we know what the people want is liberation from this colonial-style government which hears not its own people,” he said.

Dr Jeffrey, as always, made a clarion call for the people regardless of ethnic and religious background to unite and rally behind STAR which had been accepted across Sabah.


