‘Arrogant’ DAP forgetting its past?

If DAP doesn’t check itself, Pakatan Rakyat will not make it to Putrajaya, says Sabah progressive Peoples Party (SAPP)

(Free Malaysia Today) – DAP received a verbal whipping from Sabah Progressive Peoples Party (SAPP) youth wing for its “arrogance” which the latter claimed was destroying the confidence building process among the opposition parties in Sabah.

A seething SAPP party Youth chief Edward Dagol said the condescending demeanor of DAP leaders from Kuala Lumpur was ‘most disappointing’ and was now being mirrored by their Sabah team.

He was referring to national DAP vice-chairman Tan Kok Wai who had arrogantly declared that a DAP-led Pakatan Rakyat will “sweep all the seats in Sabah, without any room for local parties”. Tan has apparently said so during the launching of DAP building in Penampang, near here.

He said the boast of strength at national level to “intimidate” Sabahans were “strikingly similar to the boast of MCA when it used to be strong in Malaya”.

He reminded DAP that it was stuck in the doldrums for 50 years and only saw light under the charismatic persona of Anwar Ibrahim and PKR which acted as a bridge to PAS bringing all three parties under one Pakatan Rakyat umbrella.

“Be reminded that at the last general elections, Barisan Nasional was greatly weakened by an insurgency led by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the internal problems within Umno, MCA and Gerakan, the emergence of Hindraf and a sleeping Prime Minister.

“The ‘broom incident’ at Selangor when the Menteri Besar (Khir Toyo) presented brooms to civil servants also drove many traditional BN votes to the opposition.

“Most important of all, it was Anwar’s role in securing a one-to-one fight against the BN that it happen.

“The opposition success had nothing to do with Pakatan Rakyat because there was no Pakatan Rakyat at the time, before and during the last general election.

“Pakatan was formed only in April 2008, after the general election, ” Dagul said.


