‘Pakatan will bankrupt nation in two years’

For Pakatan to ensure all 3.8 million households receive RM4,000 a month,it will need RM93.9 billion annually, causing public debt to be more than 100% of the GDP, says MCA.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Malaysia will go bankrupt within two years if the Opposition comes to power, said MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek today.

“Talking about Buku Jingga, it is one that will bankrupt this nation in two years, we will go the way of Greece,” Dr Chua said in his opening speech at the “Malaysian Chinese at the Political Crossroads” forum in Berjaya Times Square.

Dr Chua said if Pakatan delivered all its promises as stated in the Buku Jingga, it will cost taxpayers a total of RM199 billion to RM254 billion.

“Public debt will soar to RM617.1 billion in Year one and Malaysia will go bankrupt by Year 2 of PR’s ( Pakatan) tenure as the budget deficit will have exceeded 10% of the GDP and public debt will have exceeded 100% of the GDP,” he said.

Dr Chua said Pakatan would cause public debt to be more than 100% of the GDP if it follows its proposal is to ensure a RM4,000 monthly income to all household in five years.

“A total of RM93.9billion annually would need to be paid out to the 3.8million households to ensure their income is guaranteed at RM4,000 per month.

“I’m just saying the truth. I didn’t go and manufacture something out of thin air… This is not political spin by Chua Soi Lek,” he said.

Dr Chua also warned the Chinese majority crowd that voting for DAP is akin to paving the way for PAS to become the “tai kor”(boss) of the state and federal government.

“Pause for a moment, just imagine the whole country being transformed into Kelantan with all restrictions and lack of emphasis on socio-economic development,” he said.

‘DAP failed to checkmate PAS’

Condemning Pakatan’s failure to agree with each other, especially DAP and PAS over hudud law and other ‘Islamic restrictions’ against non-muslims, Dr Chua said DAP has “failed to checkmate PAS”.

“Let us face the hard truth, if Pakatan comes to power, the Malaysian constitution will be in jeopardy and the Malaysian way of life will be compromised,” he said.


