Malaysia’s Best Opposition
Malaysia’s best Opposition will be Barisan Nasional not the present Pakatan Rakyat. On the issue of a shadow cabinet, my feeling is the present government cabinet will automatically take over the presently non-existent shadow cabinet. BN’s experience of 54 years and in a turf they helped to create makes it child’s play for them to be an effective opposition.
An opposition party, a true opposition party should have a shadow cabinet. Although it seems like giving the game away of who is who in the party, the advantages are more beneficial to the party itself and the voters alike. The shadow-cabinet is an indication of the seriousness of government business even though it is not of the governing party but of the opposing party. The shadow cabinet, just like a shadow of the party in power, waits to pounce on the government seemingly saying “hello, if you don’t do well, we are waiting here to take over, just tell me when”.
It creates a “real” perception of an organised group of people waiting to take over the governing of the country. It further creates an impression to the voters that the people, whom they voted for, are extremely serious in governing the country. Of course they are not in fact governing the country but they act as a check on the government of the day.
An opposition party should have the ability to debate or pick up on pertinent issues out of the macro issues and consequently highlight the negative aspects of the issues. Of course some of these issues are done for political mileage, nevertheless, it creates a check on the government.
On this basis and some basis which will be further discussed “my two cents’ worth of opinion” is that Malaysia’s best Opposition will be Barisan Nasional not the present Pakatan Rakyat. On the issue of a shadow cabinet, my feeling is the present government cabinet will automatically take over the presently non-existent shadow cabinet. BN’s experience of 54 years and in a turf they helped to create makes it child’s play for them to be an effective opposition.
Whether we like it or not, they have been managing the country for so long that some of the experience would have rubbed on, on some of them at least. They know all aspects (positive and negative) of governing the country, able to identify the relevant department on particular issues, they would be vengeful enough to question the government on any issues to gain points from the rakyat, they know all the tricks the government of the day may use to do some ungodly things against the rakyat. There is no escape for the government of the day if BN is the opposition of the day! Period.
If BN is the opposition party in the federal government (nothing much can be said of the Kelantan and Selangor opposition parties as the federal government seems to have taken over much of the ground work…), the party governing has to be squeaky clean. Not even a taint should materialise. Not even an MP can have a small taint. For behold, BN will be waiting in the shadows (see Perak fiasco if you have any doubts) to churn the government into fodder. The NSC fiasco will look like kindergarten play school comparatively. Even a RM200 corruption can cause the downfall of the government as BN will have the power of the media and the advantage of justice to create a undeniable basis. All the taunts and brickbats BN received will revert back double or triple in effect. BN will be the strongest opposition feared by the government.
If, Pakatan Rakyat dreams that once they come into power the gravy train will lead to them, they should understand that the shadow cabinet is packed with masters of the trade, every project will be scrutinised (if there are any projects left to be created; or if the government in power has the ability to come up with some projects after spending time averting BN’s attacks) thoroughly to discover loopholes or a convenient lacuna in creating the terms of the contract. So if today’s opposition thinks they are the best, just you wait till BN takes that position. Even God cannot help you.
Even today, MACC is criticised by everyone, even the rakyat have something negative to say. Please be assured that when PR comes to power, MACC without fear or favour will exercise their ferocious claws like an awakened cat to become a lion with a one ton claw. Any form of corruption cannot escape the eyes of MACC and BN will ensure that MACC is fed with those information pertaining to any form of corruption. There is no escape for the party governing when BN is the opposition. Rest assured. As for the rakyat, they will obtain the best benefits of a government by the rakyat, to the rakyat, for the rakyat. Of course, BN will be voted in to rule the next election if PR is not as clean as perceived. And that is another 2 cents worth of a story.