Amid China’s Railway Ministry’s Corruption Scandal, we should look within Malaysian shores for a main contractor for the Gemas-JB EDTP package
As many Malaysians in the know – that Mahathir power of attorney crony Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is out to take over KTMB and assume ownership of KTMB then it will be up to him to decide which crony should get the job and who would give him the handsome kickback prior to being chosen as the main contractor. And when shit hits the fan, Syed Mokhtar will dump KTMB citing losses and offering a million excuses to force the government to buy back from Syed Mokhtar, the government will then have no choice but to step in and bail out at probably double the market price, which is a repeat of the great Tajudin Ramli-MAS scandal.
Adam Malik
As the Gemas-JB electrified double track railway project (EDTP) stretch is the final package for the EDTP, and has been delayed for more than a decade, we feel that it is high time the government takes immediate measures to award and implement the project as soon as possible.
Many quarters have argued that the government should consider a strong local party to become the project delivery partner and even the main contractor for the Gemas-Johor Bahru stretch; echoing this, may I suggest the government should consider looking within the shores of Malaysia itself. By awarding the job to the most qualified local main contractor, this will pave the way for local players to increase their expertise and portfolio once undertake this project and boost the confidence in the Malaysian ability to complete such works. More so, this is a great opportunity to showcase the varied capabilities Malaysia as a whole has to offer to the region.
Why should we even consider the Chinese at this stage? Reason being, firstly, the Chinese Railway Ministry is known to be corrupted and the cover-ups are well blanketed by all agencies of China. So how can we justify giving any contracts to a corrupted party, and by right we should not do so until this party clears itself of all corruption. If the Prime Minister of Malaysia gives a contract to any Rail party linked to Beijing now without them first clearing their name, then the Prime Minister himself is compromised.
Hence when the scandals first hit local Chinese media with regard to the former railway minister Liu Shijun who was then charged with corruption and embezzlement charges together with three other railway ministry officials, many news media then have started feeding news of lurid backroom dealings which has since dampened some of the crowing over the high-speed trains, which has also been hit with concerns over the real cost and safety of lines that has been and will be constructed.
This should pose a great danger for our PM Najib to consider before appointing them as this will create further controversy and an outright adoption of corruption. It is understood that our Prime Minister Najib also wrote a letter to the Prime Minister of China favoring one of the candidates. So the question is how can our Prime Minister be so one sided when it comes to a foreign Chinese company? Has our Prime Minister taken any money from any of these parties that he must give the contract to a bunch of corrupt Chinese companies at a time when Malaysian companies are starving for contracts to survive?
Just have a quick re-look. “The rail ministry has been run like an independent kingdom for years,” said Hu Jintao, China’s own Premier. “The concentration of power has caused inefficiency and mismanagement, and it’s a hotbed for corruption.” Corruption is the name of the game for the Chinese companies; so what does that say about our Prime Minister if he gives the contract to a party that he knows full well is corrupt.
Secondly, the Chinese Railway firms lack clear and present safety record. This is evident in the many China bullet train crashes which have happened in the past year, despite widespread upgrading works being done. This is the effect corruption has on this industry, where safety standards is compromised which resulted in major accidents happening as corrupt officials had stolen from its construction budget. The point is lives are lost. People die in such accidents and who is to be blamed?
Due to above reasons, China country’s railways have come under constant scrutiny and China construction of railway lines is desperately easing up the throttle but still all the problems and scandals persist. For safety reasons, the new head of China Railway system told that the trains would lower their top speed. This slowdown marks a blow to the ambition of the Chinese government and we in Malaysia should take heed.
No doubt, the Chinese Government is making efforts to crack down on graft, which is one of the main triggers of public discontent, and is seen executing high-profile officials accused of corruption. However, this process to stamp out corruption within the government in a rapid growing economy will need time before all the chips fall into place. Furthermore, the fight against graft is hampered by the lack of an independent judiciary. In the meantime, if the Malaysian government wishes to immediately award such major project to existing China Railway Ministry subsidiaries, until immediate change is seen it will be akin to cutting from the same corrupt cloth.
Mind you, the level of corruption in the rail companies is not a Kuala Lumpur-sized corruption – rather, it is corruption in the world’s largest economy. The mismanagement in China’s railway ministry has already been highlighted in the press globally, from CNN, Al-Jazeera and BBC, even China’s state-controlled press could not cover it up entirely after pressure from these news agencies. Now give me one good reason why our government should place the lives of its people in the hands of corrupt Chinese companies?
The Najib administration has from the beginning agreed that the Gemas-Johor Bahru EDTP will be a project given priority for the Chinese companies. But given the above scenario with regard the Chinese government railway ministry – very controversial and very corrupt -opportunities should now be given to the qualified local players who possess the right expertise and track record in this area, also internationally competitive companies. We have an excellent slew of local companies who are able and ever willing to take on such mammoth project to add to their order book, but more so an opportunity to shine in the railway engineering industry. This impact will have major impact to provide new jobs in the market and more liquidity in the economy. So why is PM Najib adamant in giving to the Chinese? Is there something more than meet the eye? Money perhaps.
The more important question here is, as the Prime Minister of Malaysia, how can he award such a contract to a foreign company tainted in corruption and knowing full well there is no safety standard to be adhered to – should an accident occur in the near future, no other than the PM will be held accountable. Even tendering process will not exempt the PM of the responsibility and duty as PM, the vanguard of the Malaysian interest and safety. As the bottom line is – why is the government still extending tender to the same three crooked Chinese companies with three lousy safety standards all under the Chinese Ministry of Railway which is proven to be corrupt ? Might be better if PM Najib just asks for his letter that he wrote to be shredded or this will be the document that will hang PM Najib in the near future.
Hence, as PM of the Malaysian Rakyat, what does this mean? Simply put it, as a reasonable and responsible PM – regardless of the promise that he has made that the award for the final package of EDTP is for the Chinese companies, PM and the Najib administration should reconsider this promise and to weigh it carefully against the important things such as the safety of its people and to make good any wrong judgment made. Heaven forbid, if a crash happens soon in Johor – who will be blamed for this if not the PM himself?
However, a word of caution to the PM and his administration – let this also be a new beginning to award projects by merits and not to another politically-linked crony company. Don’t tell me we have to stomach another huge 30% to 50% variation order and cost overruns. The people are very tired and very much aware of yet another repeat of this fabulous money-making scheme. So many (countless) taking shape including how Air Asia is raping MAS – can you imagine Tony shut down the only lucrative Dubai-KL route so that Air Asia can start in Dubai a hub for another low cost carrier?
Back to our topic – why is the government considering giving such a huge contract to the Chinese when we know that the scandals and corruption have not been resolved? Would we give a crooked plumber another job in our house when we already know he is corrupt? If we did, then it merits investigation like the big NFC scandal that the BN is trying to cover up. So why is the government behaving so strange? Of course, PM Najib will give that lame excuse – I have already given my word to the Chinese that they would build the track. Funny, they didn’t tell you Najib they were corrupt, nor did they tell you that they would compromise on the lives of the innocent ordinary Malaysians. Did they?
As many Malaysians in the know – that Mahathir power of attorney crony Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is out to take over KTMB and assume ownership of KTMB then it will be up to him to decide which crony should get the job and who would give him the handsome kickback prior to being chosen as the main contractor. And when shit hits the fan, Syed Mokhtar will dump KTMB citing losses and offering a million excuses to force the government to buy back from Syed Mokhtar, the government will then have no choice but to step in and bail out at probably double the market price, which is a repeat of the great Tajudin Ramli-MAS scandal.
Mind you, the great Syed Mokhtar is already in control of Malaysia’s rice, sugar, water, proton, power plants, ports, bread, post, airport, seaports, books and whatnot, yet his company is in debt of up to RM20billion and counting. What to do… he is representing Mahathir right? And Najib has no balls to correct this wrong after Alttantuya? So Najib goes and do another grave wrong – award the Chinese companies which will give Syed Mokhtar a big kickback to build a track which will lead to an accident and claim many Malaysian lives, just as it did in China.
So please Pete, maybe if PM Najib reads this, he will realise that it is time to show the Malaysian people that Najib has balls and that the Najib administration is serious about change from within – Actions speaks louder than words. Appoint any Malaysian companies for all I care, UEM, MRCB, Ah Chong Sdn Bhd – so long as you are not playing with the lives of Malaysians with the proven lousy track record of the Chinese and the corrupt Chinese Rail Ministries and Ministers.
Concerned Rakyat
Adam Malik