Soon-to-Be Decimated Election Gimmicks – An Analysis

In saying the past should not be dwelt upon because Umno has now said sorry, it is like the robber going into the kampung’s of Kuala Ketil, stealing everything that has been hard-earned by simple folks, and then saying sorry, forget what has been done, let’s move on – but i get to keep the spoils in the interest of our race. Can you take that?


Yesterday afternoon, I wrote a post on Neither Here Nor There? on the PM’s and DPM’s contrasting speeches. The following are comments from Walla in four parts and the fifth one is from Patches. My response and Walla’s fifth response are in the original post HERE.

Walla’s Politicall Analysia Part 1

The news was an election gimmick done because Umno is desperate. Self-deceiving signals aside, it knows it is going to be decimated at GE13.

The voting rakyat where it counts are extremely angry and don’t trust Umno. And the trust needed cannot be regained in the time available to GE13. Time is the limiting factor which cannot be extended. Money the rakyat already know has all along been theirs in the first place so they will take but vote for the Opposition to salve their conscience.

Knowing this, the Umno leadership neurons have already snapped; that’s why the Umno organ has been making shambolic and conflicting statements and moves all these past months.

Najib gave the game away in his speech. Immediately after making his statement of apology and a promise to make amends, he lambasted the Opposition for making empty promises, thereby exposing what was really in his mind all along – just to win GE13.

Which also explains why he has not made any promise to the voting rakyat that Umno will play clean at GE13.

Thereby exposing at the same time the tilt of the Election Commission machinery.

If Azmi Khalid of the PAC could foot-drag on the NPC query, why can’t the EC-NRD-KDN foot-drag on cleaning up the voters database, for instance Hulu Selangor (again), people have asked?

Meanwhile we all know that someone who is really contrite and apologetic would have engaged his audience by summing up which mistakes have been made which would soon be corrected so that people receiving the promise can tick against each past mistake to see if corrections are actually being taken and past mistakes are not repeated instead.

The present PM did no such thing to show any sincerity of words. Instead he diverted attention to the Opposition and away from the glossing being made over Umno’s own excesses. Mahathir’s tactic, copied by someone who’s afraid of even his own deputy in the same office block so that for one who has talked about transformation and benchmarks, hardly reassuring.

In fact, his sidekick’s equally immediate reaction in another place was to say there was no need to list out Umno’s past mistakes and weaknesses.

There you have it, two mutually contradicting statements reinforcing your conclusion it was all another quicksilver political plastic lizard slithering.

Walla’s Political Analysis Part 2

Not only that, Muhyiddin’s statement that it was not necessary to bring up BN’s past mistakes was actually a declaration that all the corruption and siphoning of rakyat money committed by BN, especially the Umnoputra’s and Umnoputeri’s are – because he says so – to be forgotten.

It was a statement by the present DPM of 1Malay infamy that all the past, present and future scheming and crimes against the rakyat and their money are to be erased and the perps are to gain tacit, implicit and instant amnesty. Meaning, Umno power-holders can do any damn thing they like with complete impunity and immunity in this country.

It is like a free-license to act above a set of laws to which only the mass voters are subjected but from which selected lawmakers are exempted.

For instance, would you, for that matter the people of Kuala Ketil who had attended as “20,000 attendees” in Najib’s meet-the-rakyat function, like to ask Muhyiddin what was his role as Agri Minister in the meeting that had advanced easy payment to Umno Wanita President Shahrizat’s family for the NPC project?

Or for that matter, why his three senior government representatives omitted to check on the bank statements which would have revealed interest income and withdrawals?

The same laconic approach to rakyat funds as shown by management of a MAS now in the beetroot red for having to write off a big sum on obsolete parts accumulated without foresight. Or Proton for…… you know the rest of the (dentist’s) drill.

In saying the past should not be dwelt upon because Umno has now said sorry, it is like the robber going into the kampung’s of Kuala Ketil, stealing everything that has been hard-earned by simple folks, and then saying sorry, forget what has been done, let’s move on – but i get to keep the spoils in the interest of our race. Can you take that?

Next. Did any of those “20,000 attendees” ask Najib why only now, just months away from GE13, has he said Umno apologizes to the rakyat and will make amends?

Umno has been holding the federal seats since the last general elections. Therefore, it would have known very much earlier what mistakes it has been doing all along. So why no apology earlier? And why is it only now just as GE13 is on the horizon that a promise to make amends is made?

Given all this, the rakyat should be worried whether the promise to make amends carries any weight. After all, spins are weightless.

Are Najib and Muhyiddin afraid that if Umno admits to a list of past mistakes, the rural folks in the Malay heartland will jump and move for a nation-wide lynching of the party, perhaps raising the Malaysian version of the Arab Spring?

Walla’s Political Analysis Part 2

There are already so many issues of the past caused by Umno that those of the present and upcoming will have to jostle for attention:

Pro-Umno thugs using their helmets on innocents with nothing while plainsclothed looked on during and foot-dragged after.

The rush-through of Lynas when the memory of Bukit Merah still lingers.

The push-forward of Felda SGV when the same management that blew over a billion ringgit in the US are still around, now comically led by one ejected for money politics but returned with a spanking big office for his size and worth on Felda’s account.

The use of your EPF to shore up the share prices of failing GLCs one of whose past CEOs has quietly cut a secret deal to write-off half a billion ringgit in claims so as to protect the one whose sons are enjoying contracts with Petronas and Lynas.

The silence over Pek Moh’s holdings, the half a trillion ringgit federal debt, the privatisation corruptions, the commission-inflated prices of the new highways in Umno-run states of Johor, Perak and Terengganu.

Additonally, the same problem with Johor Baru’s EDL will be faced with the MRT using your grand-childrens’ savings.

Umno commissions to build so that it can make commissions to itself; next and only after the final bill is presented will the toll to be collected be rationalized. Because of the skimming, it will be therefore be too much for the rakyat to bear. How to pay then? Take the rakyat money from elsewhere. Post-skimming silo-solutioning. A certain Adam still holding on may provide illustrative examples for your next malaysian-style management module.

Note that these are present issues. So why bother to apologize for past mistakes and what chance of real future corrections?

It’s all about your money. That’s all that Umno wants.

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