Not that I do not want to support you, It’s because I can’t support you anymore

Why has the opposition succeeded in bashing BN? Why hasn’t BN been able to achieve the same degree of damage? It’s simply because BN has ruled for over 54 years. A 50 over years track record of “trial and errors”, “failures”, “cover-ups”; not to forget successes and good developments. One might just need to cover the eyes, pick any project and they may find tons of problems worth revealing.


There has been much opposing force towards the government since 2008 and it is growing stronger each day. This force is getting beyond BN’s control up to a stage where we see so many people bashing the government openly in the world wide web. Responses to current issues like Anti Lynas, Bersih rally, bad cops who rape or wound a suspect to “punish” them for a trivial offence, etc has been so bold and direct.

Short films are made to “address” those issues. Photos (even photoshopped images), recordings, etc are abundant that you simply need to google it and it would be listed in the hundreds and thousands for your viewing “pleasure”. Some are purely informative as they capture and reiterate the exact moment of the alleged issue. Some are a derived “simulation” to exaggerate for your amusement. While I must praise their creativity in creating the videos and animations, it might not actually represent the truth of the issues at hand. Nevertheless, it has created a strong visual image and people do remember. I believe that is the REAL purpose of these visual displays – to impact by exaggeration, not so by truthful information. 

It sends me wondering what has gotten to our country. We see Chinese fighting Chinese, Malays fighting Malays, Indians fighting Indians, but the worst of all is when they began to fight inter-racially. The strength is “tuned” to the max in their attempt to “hurt” the opposite party most. All the fights among brothers while the other part of the world laughs at our clown-ship. While forums or debates are good for the growth of both parties as well as a good source of information to the common people, resorting to personal attacks and dragging non-related issues or issues that are beyond anyone’s control into it is just lame, low political etiquette. To blame someone for an issue that is in the hands of another, trying to mislead the unknowing people on the real cause is simply dirty politics. However such dirty tricks will only backfire when the truth is revealed.

BN cannot control this. Because they have been using such methods for years; bashing the oppositions up in the mainstream media. Not only has the opposition picked this up, it seems that even the common rakyat is heading towards this direction. Good examples for education, eh? People are seen competing in generating new “Creativity” productions to be posted on the web; be it face book, twitter or blogs. Whether it is to support, or to oppose, makes good sense or simply “just for laughs”, everybody starts to chip in to make their mark. Some even resort to name calling and humiliation. This has become a trend, both socially and politically.

Why has the opposition succeeded in bashing BN? Why hasn’t BN been able to achieve the same degree of damage? It’s simply because BN has ruled for over 54 years. A 50 over years track record of “trial and errors”, “failures”, “cover-ups”; not to forget successes and good developments. One might just need to cover the eyes, pick any project and they may find tons of problems worth revealing. What’s more, when a mistake is covered by another mistake in an attempt to bury the first. On links to another and eventually the opposition digs up a whole chest of dirt.

BN tries doing the same but they were not able to find much. Trying to induce “it”, eventuates in many untoward events. We have then witnessed the death of TBH in a desperate attempt to “investigate” and “prove” a graft case involving a mere RM 2,000. The plot failed and failed miserably. After which they continued to implicate graft cases in all opposition governed states.

Penang has been a victim to countless attacks saying that the state government has turned down such and such proposal and selected contractors of their own choice, so on and so forth. However, with the transparency and truthfulness of the chief minister in office, each and every such attempt is proven futile. They then resorted to attacking his family members, and issues that is beyond his control as means to tarnish his credibility. Such attempts will only make the attackers look worse. For you have to have enough “evidence” to be able to make such allegations or it will easily be intercepted and backfire. In contrast, PR has so much evidence (even tangible ones) which BN cannot intercept with equally strong evidence.  They would simply claim that the opposition lied, politicized an issue, etc. Yet they couldn’t reveal anything to “prove” that the opposition lied.

Such strategy will not work. For PR has so much lesser dirt for BN to dig up. Blame themselves for that. For they were so biased that they imposed so many restrictions and hindrances towards the elected opposition, narrowing down the possibility for such situations to take place. Eventually, BN has to resort to saying “PR’s government has so many issues (dug up as well as made up) only within a few years of being in power. What’ll it be if they are given 54 years?”. Trying to pay “an eye with an eye”; this desperate attempt failed miserably. It makes them look even uglier on every side. And it is a clear indication that they are really worried now that the opposition is gaining to overtake them one day. Else, why would they behave so desperately? Why would they so desperately try to find any trace of graft within the PR government instead of proving to the rakyat that BN is the right choice? Because even they (BN) know that they couldn’t be the “right choice” now. There is just too many issues and they cannot cover it up anymore. The only choice is to make the other side look uglier than themselves.

BN has once and again asked for the rakyat to “give them another chance”. So that they can “prove” themselves. If the opposition is so “incapable” of governing the federal government, why would BN even panic, and “beg” the rakyat to not vote for PR? Wouldn’t it be easier to let PR be the federal government and watch them fail? Well, just like how PR is keeping an eye on the BN now, BN would be the watchman against PR then, and PROVE to the rakyat WHO IS THE BETTER CHOICE. Why the need to “give them another chance?”. Either they realize that PR can do well; or PR will deploy the same political strategy (gerrymandering, press control, suppression of right of speech, etc) that BN has been using to stay in power thus denying their survival. Well, Since PR has been screaming so loudly against all that for so many years, wouldn’t it be a big slap on the face if they deploy it? Don’t you think that the rakyat would be mature enough to choose again then?

BN is in desperation now, and PR is getting on higher ground each day as BN tries desperately to take them down. The more they try, the worse it becomes.

Let’s use a metaphor. There are 2 kids in a family with a rich aging father. Both sons have contributed tremendously to the family’s wealth but being the elder brother, the family business and all matters have been placed in his hands. One fine day, the younger son found out that the elder son has secretly taken money from their dad. He falsifies documents, and stole from the aging unaware dad. At first, no one bothers much as there is still so much money in store and both of them continue to top them up. Eventually the elder son has become so greedy that he took too much money out of the store and the family is beginning to face financial difficulties. Yet the elder son demands that he deserves more as he is OLDER. IF you are in such a family, what would you do? Let the elder brother go on with squandering the money until they are all bankrupt? Or to stop him completely? Now, being brothers, would you kick him out or the house? Or simply stop him from taking any more money other than his fair share? Would you want him to repay the money he took? What would you do if he begs on his life that you don’t turn him in? Even if you let him off, would you still let him squander the family’s wealth lavishly? And even if he owns up to his faults, would the younger brother and the aging father trust him with the family’s money anymore? Or would the father appoint the younger brother to look after the family whist monitoring the elder’s subsequent behavior? What would YOU do?

What do you think the elder brother would do? Would he turn himself in, admit his mistakes and start to behave? Would he try to find similar evidences of graft of the younger brother so that they sit in the same boat? Would he drive his brother out by lies and stabbing his back, or would he decide to kill him so that he can continue to feed on the wealth and remain as the acting “head of the family”? Well, what would YOU do if you are in such a situation, being the Elder brother, or as the younger one. Better still, what would you do as the aging father?

Similarly, we are in a place where one group of our “brothers” has caused many undesired issues in the country in all areas, including financially. The other group has found out and has decided to stop him. The first group is not resentful, but continues to move in that direction, yet expects everybody else to accept their “style” and continue to give them the mandate to rule and get access to all the wealth as well as make decisions on important policies. At the same time, they blame the other “group” for revealing too much for the common people to see, spoiling their plan. Would you agree to let that continue or would you play a part in stopping it?

I’m so sorry. I do love you guys for you are still my brothers. It is not that I do not want to support you, but what you have done makes it that I cannot keep supporting you. Not this time, not this way. For the sake of us all, this has to stop and this is the point to stop.
