Anwar snubs RPK in WikiLeaks forum

Anwar does not agree to share the same stage with Raja Petra in a WikiLeaks-organised forum to discuss global political scenario.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Raja Petra Kamarudin has been removed from participating in a forum on global political scenario following a request made by Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

The forum is scheduled to take place this Saturday in Kent, England. The discussion was originally planned to include Raja Petra, Anwar and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Anwar was supposed to participate in the forum through Skype communication. The discussion was to be videotaped for a documentary for WikiLeaks. Now the discussion would only see the participation of Anwar and Assange.

“I got a call from WikiLeaks that Anwar does not agree that I be included. So now it will only be Julian and him,” Raja Petra told FMT today.

“I agreed to Anwar being included but he did not agree for me to be there,” he said.

Raja Petra lashed out at Anwar for fearing to face him in the discussion, which would also include the political happenings in Malaysia.

“How is Anwar going to debate Najib when he is too chicken to face me? He should try me out first before taking on Najib.

“Also, it appears that Anwar does not tolerate and respect the independence of the media and dissent.

“He will only deal with people who support him and agree with him. If this is Anwar as opposition leader, I shudder to think what he would be like as PM,” said Raja Petra.


