The people are no longer afraid of BN leaders
Personally I am very happy that Musa is asking the BN leaders to go on the ground more to explain issues raised by the opposition to the people, especially about the illegal immigrants which he said we in the opposition have been politicizing. In fact I would really like to be there when those BN leaders go the kampungs and tell the people, “Dear people, don’t believe the opposition when they talk about the illegals. They are liars and making up a lot of stories…” and right there in the crowd there are some illegals trying very hard to look and sound like locals.
Why is Musa asking the BN leaders to turun padang? Because all these while they have stopped going into the kampungs. There is hardly anymore such thing as BN party ceramahs anymore. Well, they try to organize them but the people don’t come even if food and drinks are served. Even if Tan sri Pairin himself goes into a KDM kampong, they will no longer come to kiss his hand like in the old days. So in order to create a crowd the BN buses have to carry the BN members to the venues. But even by doing this the so-called BN supporters feel it is a waste of time. That is why in some place where they tried to have ceramahs, only a handful, or a dozen or two turned up. Forget about having hundreds coming.