Najib: I’m Committed to the Future of Malaysia

(Bernama) – Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said he had every intention of keeping to his word that under his administration, the people would receive fair treatment from the government.

“When I took office almost three years ago, there was my promise to the nation that you’ll have a fair deal and fair treatment from the government, and I intend to deliver on that promise,” he said.

He said this when launching Sri Murugan Centre’s (SMC) 30th anniversary celebrations at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) Vivekananda here.

Najib pointed out that his transformation plans and other initiatives meant for the well-being of the people were not about the next general election.

Noting that the government was sincere in helping the people, including the Indian community, he said that it would not promise something that it could not deliver.

“I’m not a politician of that nature,” Najib said, stressing that he was committed to, and would not compromise, the future of Malaysia.

The prime minister said that he and the government would do more for the people if they were given another five-year mandate.

Najib asked all Malaysians to join him in building a better future for the nation.

He told his audience that since 2009, the government had allocated RM440 million to build new national-type Tamil schools (SJKT) and improve conditions at nearly 400 such schools nationwide.

Later, Najib, who is chairman of 1MDB Foundation’s board of trustees, presented 1MDB academic grants to 75 SMC students who are pursuing their education at local universities.

The students, who each received RM15,000, had completed at least one year at a local public or private institution of higher learning and obtained a minimum CGPA (cumulative grade point average) of 3.00 out of 4.00.

1MDB and SMC have been working together to assist deserving students based on merit and needs. The partnership started in 2010 with 50 students, followed by another 50 students last year.

