How BN can win GE13
CK Chooi, The Malaysian Insider
Yesterday in Parliament, the government had to seek an urgent allocation of RM608 million for the period January-March 2012.
These are for the election “goodies” given out by the PM and DPM over this period — very nice and good.
But this is not going to get votes as the rakyat feels that this is rightly due to them for the way the economy is being run. Can you blame them?
While the PM’s office has engaged a string of highly-paid strategic advisers, they are terribly off the mark!
Attempts to “finished” off Anwar Ibrahim with sexual episodes faced a backlash —many rural and urban voters no long care or believe them. It is a story so tarnished and old. The PM and Umno have made a fallible assumption that Anwar is going to cause the fall of BN rule. Sorry, it is the BN that caused itself to lose voter support
Anwar is just a fiery politician and he cannot cause the demise of BN/Umno. Look at the factors for voter dissatisfaction:
Corruption and cronyism
Umno and BN have failed to address this issue which is dear to the heart of all voters. Time and again mega projects are awarded without transparency and proper procedures. Defence procurements are way above market rates and politically-linked companies reaped huge and shameful profits at the rakyat’s expense.
IPPs and toll operators reaped “sinful” profits, and the government has done nothing to resolve this. While it is difficult, has any firm attempt been done to re-negotiate these one-sided agreements?
Accusations have been hurled at the A-G and the former IGP for misdeeds by very senior ex-police officers yet no attempt has been made to investigate these accusations. They may not be true but the government has failed to address them.
Thus far the PM had not acted decisively on these accusations, but merely sweep them under the carpet. Dr M may say “rakyat senang lupa” —how senile can he get!!
The PM must immediately announce the postponement or revision of mega projects and ask for open tenders.
Costly defence equipment procurements must be cut back, saving billions of ringgit at the stroke of the pen.
Investigations into the accusations against the A-G and ex-IGP must be led by men of integrity. At least the rakyat shall feel placated and the accused can clear their name. The PM should persecute corrupt politicians and bring swift (but fair) justice.
Independence of the judiciary
Amend the constitution and bring back judicial independence immediately. If Pakatan opposes it in Parliament they will be committing political suicide.
Walk the talk
The PM must walk the talk to have credibility. The rakyat are no longer fools. Saying one thing today and then saying another the next day will never gain credibility. 1 Malaysia was a good slogan but it has been hijacked by Umno warlords and rent-seekers. Admonish them and get them to toe the line — you are the PM, not these guys! Do not be weak — they will push you out pronto.
Race and religion
The PM must publicly reject and condemn those organisations which use the race and religious card for their own ends. If the PM cannot do this, what hope is there for the peace-loving and law-abiding rakyat? How can we have a progressive society? It is these bigots that will bring Umno/BN down. The rakyat is sick and tired of these organisations — they bring no benefit to society. We have had 54 years of independence and never needed them. We do not need them now or ever too.
Stop political thuggery
While these thugs are certainly not directly linked with the PM, he is aware of their activities. Smashing and disrupting opposition ceramahs brings a backlash. How are you going to woo voters when Umno thugs threaten others with violence and their uncivilised behaviour? You lose votes by default. Anwar and Pakatan do not have to do anything. They just have to sit back and watch — the voters will know who they want.
Actually, it is very obvious how Umno/BN can win GE13!! Umno/BN is just not looking at the correct political perspective. Targeting Anwar is never the solution. Putting the Umno/BN house in order will get back your two-thirds majority. Anwar will not live forever but Pakatan will!! Giving goodies is welcomed, but the rakyat will take your money and vote who they want. In the final analysis you cannot control them. Times have changed. Voters are no fools. They can see a bigger picture! Replace the strategic advisers (and save the government millions too ) and BN will win. Winning an election does not require Phds from Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge and sleazy sex videos!
A set of policies that puts the rakyat’s interest first will win — from the rural to the urban centres.