Waah – Orang Asal not “Indegenous” … Bolehsian UMNO Govt so Crever!!!

JAKOA does not promote the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) because the government considered Indigenous Peoples to refer to the Malays when it adopted the declaration at the UN General Assembly.


It is sometimes quite mind-boggling when some people are content to humiliate themselves and support the oppression of their own people.

This is what happens when people lose all sense of “shame” – they sell their souls, family and friends for a few ringgit in their bank accounts.

Here’s a post from COAC (Centre for Orang Asli Concerns) on Facebook:-

Deputy D-G of JAKOA explains why UNDRIP is not adopted

Suhakam Land Inquiry, 30 March 2012

JAKOA does not promote the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) because the government considered Indigenous Peoples to refer to the Malays when it adopted the declaration at the UN General Assembly.

This was disclosed by the Deputy Director General of the Department of Orang Asli Development (JAKOA), En Nisra Nisran, himself of Temiar-Orang Asli origin, at the close of the 4-day Selangor/Negeri Sembilan segment of the Suhakam Public Hearings for the National Land Inquiry on Orang Asal/Orang Asli land rights .

When asked what the Orang Asli are considered given that the Malays are the indigenous people, he answered that they were merely ‘Orang Asli’ or ‘Aboriginals’. According to him these two terms are not inclusive in the term ‘indigenous peoples’.

He had no answer when countered that the term ‘indigenous peoples’ as defined by the UN does not exclude the use of local specific terms like aboriginals, natives, tribals, hill-tribes and so on.

He did say however that the principles of the UNDRIP is followed by JAKOA. For example, the principle of free, prior informed consent (FPIC) was followed in the Kelau Dam resettlement of the Temuans, and in the current process of the Orang Asli in Pantos for the Jelai dam.

Both these examples were challenged.

