UMNO’s Tangled Web of Deceit (2)

While others are competing with the world, Malays remain engrossed and transfixed over the ‘philosophical’ debates about the size of Anwar’s penis and his sexual preferences.  Surely this must be a characteristic of a race par excellence who make up the majority in the country, which the PM tells Obama, practises the best democracy. 
Sakmongkol AK47
The UMNO leadership must be mad. It is going around the country senselessly spewing hate politics to stay in power. Everyone knows UMNO is the one sanctioning a forum in Johore on the threat of Christian missionary work in Malaysia. The faith of the ordinary Muslim is so fragile that they cannot defend themselves from the onslaught of Christian evangelizing. As expected, we have the farcical PM doing his good cop routine by asking people to be tolerant of each other’s religion. He should be asking the organizers in Johore to stop sowing the seeds of dissension and raising the specter of religious confrontation. You are so hollow Mr. PM.
This is UMNO’s emblem of shame sowing the seeds of divisiveness in our society. We have a PM hypocritically intoning his idea of 1Malaysia yet he is one who fiddles while the country is burning. (1) You allow the possibility of racial implosion in order to stay in power. (2) you allow continuing  the shaming of Anwar with sordid details of sexual trysts laying bare the sad truth that UMNO and BN can only stay in power on account on someone else’s arse and sexual adventures of your adversary. 
UMNO, it seems can only extend its miserable existence by depending on the band of liars consisting of messrs Umi Hafilda, Zulkifli Nordin, Ezam Mat Nor, Nallakarpan et al.  its devoid of mission and vision. 
The Malays ought to be ashamed of the non-Malays. Tales of sexual indiscretions are also carried out there, yet the non-Muslims appear to be more observant to the Islamic religious dictum of not publicly humiliating your fellow human. For the Malays, the last 13 years, they have been suffocated with no other headline grabbing news other that sexploits of Anwar. Your courts have acquitted him and the PM, if he is responsible would put a stop to UMNO’s predilection with political pornography. 
While others are competing with the world, Malays remain engrossed and transfixed over the ‘philosophical’ debates about the size of Anwar’s penis and his sexual preferences.  Surely this must be a characteristic of a race par excellence who make up the majority in the country, which the PM tells Obama, practises the best democracy. 
We the people of Malaysia who are committed to peace and stability and harmony so that we can all prosper together have only one option- to kick the people now inhabiting Putrajaya on a TOL tenure, out. We accuse you further of treasonous acts by bringing in the Myanmarese, Bangladeshis, Nepalese, Indonesians and other illegal immigrants and giving them mykad in return for the promise of voting you in power. It’s scandalous to watch these people jumping queue, elbowing polite Malaysians to get the RM 500 BR1M. 
UMNO is bald-facedly promoting its 3Rs to stay in power- Race, Religion and Royalty. That’s scrapping the bottom of the barrel. This is the new politics that’s forming the basis of the transforming agenda of Najib’s BN. it’s nothing other than agenda to reinforce the UMNO elite’s hegemony. It’s sad really- while the UMNO foot solders shout on top of their lungs Hidup Melayu here and there, the UMNO leader continue to pillage and plunder in the name of race, religion and Royalty. 
Your bothers and kin face litigation for delaying to pay the PTPTN, some people can use the RM250 million as they damn well pleased and haven’t paid a single sen. You have to pay all those loans in order for the government in turn pay the IPP operators and the toll operators. You shout yourselves coarse; the 113 marginal oilfields owned by PETRONAS are already earmarked for companies owned by the UMNO elites and their princelings. You have to pay up you know, so that pictures of the princelings get into the list of Malaysian billionaires. Then you are advised – that’s all right and acceptable because at least they ARE Malays.  It’s this kind of thinking that enslaves the Malay mind. Transgressions are forgivable if committed by your own kind. 
It’s their new mantra, adopted quickly as the new strategy to remain in power. It’s the new prayer said before the UMNO apparatchik goes to sleep replacing the customary invocation of Bismillah 21 times. Its UMNO’s last stand to prevent the nightmare of losing power. Happily, for most of us, kicking out the enslaving UMNO  is daily becoming a real possibility. 
At the top, presiding over the political apparatus that has gone mad is the poster boy Najib Razak. Yes, the man who got a 69% approval rating by way of a survey that asked very open ended and impractical questionnaires. Looked at from another angle, Najib is detaching himself from UMNO- a behavior that isn’t at odds with his real political self actually. He is a natural when looking out for himself first while those besides him will be left to slug it out among themselves. As long as his position and interest are preserved, he doesn’t care what’s happening to the political party claiming to look out for the interests of Malays.
