BN forgets that the Roman Empire crumbled; Hitler was wiped out; and Maoism erased

BN you must be eternally grateful to the rakyat. They are not like some citizens in faraway lands where they come out with stones, guns and bombs. Instead Malaysians want to make you see the truth by peaceful sit-ins. Where in the world can you find such peace-loving people?

J. D. Lovrenciear

The Roman Empire crumbled. Hitler was wiped out. And Moa’s communism was erased from the minds of 1.3 billion people. But BN thinks otherwise of itself.

What do we make out of BN these days? Even those who appeared as die-hard loyalists of BN and / or UMNO have pulled out. Even a member of the Rulers is openly confessing his disillusionment with BN, especially UMNO.

But the prime minister armed with his bastion – the main stream media is on a major road show to project an invincible, favored and popular image of BN.

How sad. A good leader should have that innate ability to read the signs of the times. He or she must decipher the scribbling on the wall.  Would it not be better for BN to take a step back and eat humble pie?

The very fact that BN has to combat on the defensive the overflowing anti-BN sentiments in the new media and the social media, is a clear indicator that people are questioning the ability, sincerity and intentions of BN leaders.

No. BN is gung-ho that it cannot fail. BN is adamant that it must not fail. BN is set in its mind that it is not going to take failure.

Well Hitler too thought so. Moa Zedong was no different. The Romans never believed that they will be overthrown. But they all perished when the populace said enough is enough.

So, BN leaders and followers please learn from history. But that again will be tough too for you. You are the product of a leader who manipulated and attempted to re-write history, remember?

Stop your warnings and finger wagging. Stop your ministers from blurting out threats.

And do not count on that illusion that the police and the armed forces will be there for you despite all the rising allegations of mismanagement and total disregard for integrity, justice and honor. Do you not know that even Mao was unable to have his millions of army people to defend his legacy – communism?

If you are really serious about the party that was created with honor and great intentions by the founding fathers, then do them justice. Stand back, concede that you have gone astray for these past 30 years; do penance; and redress.

When the rakyat are convinced that you have transformed your core for the better, people will put you back on the race and where you belong.

In the meantime stop threatening. Stop spying. Stop attempting to pull the carpet under the feet of the rakyat. Stop hoodwinking.

If Bersih 2.0 did not open your eyes, you are still lucky. The Malaysians being such nice, passive and non-violent people are still willing to sacrifice their hard-earned weekend Saturday to come out in the rain or sun peacefully to give the truth to you one more time with Bersih 3.0.

BN you must be eternally grateful to the rakyat. They are not like some citizens in faraway lands where they come out with stones, guns and bombs. Instead Malaysians want to make you see the truth by peaceful sit-ins. Where in the world can you find such peace-loving people?

If the BN leaders and followers are still adamant, it means only one thing: They are utterly disloyal to the founding fathers of their political parties. They are traitors. They are doing everything not to save the battered image of BN but only expedite a permanent demise of a political party that stood side by side with Malaysians (Malayans) in gaining Merdeka.

How sad. How tragic.

BN you have tried every trick under the stone to break your opponents. But you must also admit that your opponents are only gaining strength and recognition with each shot you take on them. You see BN, people are no fools.

Hitler thought just like you. Mao thought so too. The Romans never learnt either. Do you want to join their league too?

Perhaps, there is only one, last, avenue left for peace-loving Malaysians. And that is for all honorable and professional journalists in the main stream media to say collectively ‘enough is enough’ and throw the towel and join the rakyat to save the nation from its impending gloom.

