‘Politics not my cup of tea’

However, Mohammed Abdul Ghani Jiman vows to continue firing at Penang Chief Lim Guan Eng, whom he calls a ‘tyrant’. 

(Free Malaysia Today) – GEORGE TOWN: Mohammed Abdul Ghani Jiman, who has become the face of anti-Pakatan Rakyat protests in Penang since 2008, declared that he has no intention of contesting in the next general election.

Contrary to speculation of wanting to battle Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, the former Komtar merchant said that he decided against becoming a politician as it was not his “cup of tea.”

“After much reflection, I feel that I am more suitable as an activist rather than a politician who often makes and breaks promises, but I want to tell you why I will continue to protest,” he added.

Ghani claimed that both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan, namely DAP, were the same political creatures.

“It is just that now in Penang, it is perhaps the DAP-led alliance’s time while previously it was the Gerakan-led BN era,” he said.

However, Ghani claimed that during BN’s time, there was more room for negotiation and tolerance while under DAP, the party was unwilling to discuss problems with groups whom it believes had no means of supporting the party.

He said if one prolonged championing issues openly which were unbeneficial to DAP, the party would initiate court action to intimidate critics.

He said his main grouse was with Lim and his political secretary Ng Wei Aik, the Komtar assemblyman.

“It is their attitude when dealing with my original grouse over trading space at Komtar, which forced me to protest openly,” he added.

Ghani said this in reference to the host of libel action aimed at him by Penang DAP leaders.

Gathering ammunition

For now, he is “lying low” because he is in the process of documenting proof of alleged wrongdoings in the DAP-led government.

“I will make sure that when I raise issues from now, DAP will not be able to deflect or ignore me. I am gathering evidence and I have a boxful of it. In time, I will release them. I will make sure that when I fire my pistol (criticism), I have my bullet proof vest on,” he said.


