Now good time for GE, says Dr Mahathir


(The Star) – Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad feels now is a good time for the general election as the situation “looks good” for the ruling coalition.

“I think it (election) won’t be too long into the future because there isn’t much time left; we only have until middle of next year.

“If we think we can win, we can call the election,” he told reporters after attending Universiti Utara Malaysia’s (UUM) 28th anniversary, here.

“If the people give us a good support, that’s the time to call the election,” he added. “Even now, it looks good,” he said when asked when was a suitable time to hold the polls.

Earlier in his speech Dr Mahathir said leaders should not only be adept at administering the country but managing its finance, economy and scientific matters.

These are the skills needed by the country in bolstering its management and prevent it from becoming bankrupt, he said.

