Human rights and fundamental liberties for idiots

So you see, human rights and fundamental liberties is more than just about not being detained without trial. It is also about my right to my choices. My choice to a LGBT lifestyle, my choice to not believe in God, my choice to a religion, my choice to die if I no longer have any hope to live without extreme pain and suffering, and many, many more.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

I personally know Zamil Ibrahim. He is that joker from KITA, the party that Datuk Zaid Ibrahim started. It is because I personally know Zamil that I could not take KITA seriously, much to the chagrin of Zaid who could not understand why I was reluctant to support his new party.

How could I take KITA seriously when Zamil is the party’s ‘greatest asset’? Did I not say that I could no longer tolerate monkeys and donkeys? Did I not say we should elect only credible leaders? If we elect monkeys and donkeys to lead us what does that make us? Is it not only monkeys that follow monkeys and donkeys that follow donkeys?

I personally know Azwanddin Hamzah of Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM), the man who has declared war on LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people). Once, back in the old days, I had to scold Azwanddin during a public debate between Umno Youth and PKR Youth at the PWTC because he kept booing whenever the Umno Youth debater spoke.

He was so immature and downright childish. He kept cheering whenever the PKR chap spoke and would boo whenever the Umno Youth chap spoke until you could not hear what the debaters were saying. The Umno Youth debater was very civil and polite though, as were the Umno Youth and Puteri Umno members in the audience. While Azwanddin and the rest of the PKR Youth crowd were shouting and acting like hooligans, the Umno crowd was very well behaved and the Umno Youth debaters smiled even as they were being booed. 

I personally know Ezam Mohd Nor, Lokman Noor Adam, Zahid Md Arip, Ruslan Kassim, Hanafiah Man, and the 15 or 20 other PKR Youth leaders who left the party to join Umno. In fact, I know most if not all the 1,000 or so founding members of PKR who launched the party (then called PKN) back on 4th April 1999 at the Renaissance Hotel in Kuala Lumpur (I attended the party launch).

I am not sure how many from that original group of founding members totalling about 1,000 still remain but if I had to hazard a guess I would say, after 13 years, less than 10% are still around. Not all these people left the party to join Umno though. Most just ‘retired’ quietly without a fuss. Maybe 50 or so went to Umno and are now Anwar Ibrahim’s greatest critics.

Anyway, most of these people left before the March 2008 general election and I suspect many regret doing so. They left just before or just after the 2004 general election when they thought that the opposition was finished. They never suspected that the opposition would bounce back and perform as well as it did on 8th March 2008. If they had known they would probably have stayed and contest the general election under PKR and now would all be ‘orang besar’ (big people).

I personally know Zahrain Hashim (Bayan Baru), Zulkifli Noordin (Kulim-Bandar Baharu), Tan Tee Beng (Nibong Tebal), Wee Choo Keong (Wangsa Maju) and Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri (Bagan Serai) the ‘independent’ Members of Parliament who call themselves Konsensus Bebas (Independent Consensus).

I also personally know Ibrahim Ali, another ‘independent’ MP who contested on a PAS ticket and then backstabbed the party and now heads PERKASA, as I do Hasan Ali, one-time PAS leader and Selangor EXCO member and now the party’s greatest critic.

Let me make one thing very clear. All those names I have mentioned are not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, if you know what I mean. They are the opposite of intellectualism. If you have any opportunity to personally interact with them you will come to the conclusion that they are country bumpkins. They are very narrow-minded and shallow in thinking.

What irritates me most is not the fact that these people are idiots but the fact that Zaid Ibrahim, Anwar Ibrahim, PKR, PAS, etc., selected them as party leaders, candidates in the elections, and so on, and expected us to ‘show loyalty to the opposition’ by supporting these monkeys and donkeys. And when we refuse they get angry and call us all sorts of foul names.

Today, many of these people who used to be in Anwar’s ‘inner circle’, Anwar’s so-called ‘advisors’, those party leaders whom the opposition demanded we support, the ‘hope and glory’ of Malaysia’s future, the people who are supposed to lead us and bring changes to Malaysia, the people we are supposed to send to Putrajaya, and all other forms of nonsense and bullshit, are the same people who are whacking Anwar and the opposition.

Now I can say: I told you so. Now I can say: was I right or was I wrong? Now that these people have shown us what they really are what does Anwar, PKR and the opposition have to say?


Okay, those I have mentioned above are people who have removed their sheep’s clothing and have revealed that they are actually wolves. But what about those wolves that are still in the opposition and are still wearing sheep’s clothing? Am I expected to keep quiet and not speak out against them as well?

At one time Ezam Mohd Nor, Lokman Noor Adam, Zahid Md Arip, Ruslan Kassim, Hanafiah Man, Zamil Ibrahim, Ibrahim Ali, Zahrain Hashim, Zulkifli Noordin, Tan Tee Beng, Wee Choo Keong, Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri, Azwanddin Hamzah, Hasan Ali, and the 50 to 100 more party leaders, Anwar’s inner circle, advisors, and whatnot, were the darling of the opposition and could do no wrong and must not be criticised. Today, they are considered traitors and turncoats.

Well, there are still many more people still in the opposition who are just like Ezam Mohd Nor, Lokman Noor Adam, Zahid Md Arip, Ruslan Kassim, Hanafiah Man, Zamil Ibrahim, Ibrahim Ali, Zahrain Hashim, Zulkifli Noordin, Tan Tee Beng, Wee Choo Keong, Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri, Azwanddin Hamzah, Hasan Ali and the 50 to 100 more party leaders, Anwar’s inner circle, advisors, and whatnot.

The only thing is, if we were to whack them then WE would be considered traitors and turncoats. So we need to keep quiet and not whack them until one day when they do really become traitors and turncoats. Only then can we whack them like, today, we whack Ezam Mohd Nor, Lokman Noor Adam, Zahid Md Arip, Ruslan Kassim, Hanafiah Man, Zamil Ibrahim, Ibrahim Ali, Zahrain Hashim, Zulkifli Noordin, Tan Tee Beng, Wee Choo Keong, Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri, Azwanddin Hamzah, Hasan Ali and the 50 to 100 more party leaders, Anwar’s inner circle, advisors, and whatnot.

Those who once could do no wrong and must not be criticised, but now must be whacked because they are traitors and turncoats, have declared war on LGBTs. Okay, is this war declared against practising LGBTs or is it against those with LGBT tendencies? Those practicing LGBTs are only a small percentage of those with LGBT tendencies. So who is the ‘enemy’ here?

For every person who is a practising LGBT there are ten or twenty who are LGBT at heart. How do we get into the minds of every single of the 28 million Malaysians to find out whether they are ‘straight’ or otherwise? How would you know what is in the mind of these people unless they openly demonstrate a LGBT lifestyle?

As I said, I already knew that these people were idiots back in the days then they were opposition or PKR leaders. They did not just suddenly become idiots because they left the opposition to join Umno. They were born as idiots. They grew up as idiots. They were idiots before 4th April 1999. They were idiots when they joined PKR on 4th April 1999. They were idiots, dulu, kini dan selama-lamanya, as Umno would say.

Why declare war only on LGBTs? How would you know who has LGBT tendencies when maybe only one in ten or one in twenty would reveal themselves as practising LGBTs? Why are we not declaring war on corruption, on abuse of power, on those who use religion for political purposes, on racism, on those who have sex with their own daughters, on those who abandon their wives and children, on police officers who work for the underground Chinese crime syndicate, on Election Commission officers who rig the elections, and many, many more such heinous activities worse than having LGBT tendencies? 

As I said, idiots, the whole lot of them, and once upon a time all leaders in PKR and the opposition. Sigh….

Okay, let’s now talk about the Internal Security Act (ISA), the reason why I now live in the UK. Today, Anwar Ibrahim insisted that the newly proposed security law to replace the ISA still contravenes human rights and fundamental liberties and he has demanded that it be referred to a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) for review.

The Opposition Leader, when debating the Security Offences (Special Measures) Bill in Parliament this morning, argued that the law now transfers the power to make arbitrary arrests to the judiciary instead of the executive arm of government.

Way to go! That is what being the Opposition Leader in Parliament is all about. Yes, ISA or whatever, any detention without trial is a violation of your human rights and fundamental liberties. And that is what we must oppose and fight against.


But the fight should not be confined to just the ISA or any replacement detention without trial law. It should cover many other things as well. LGBTs have rights as well. Who are you to tell LGBTs what they can and cannot do? That is a violation of their human rights and fundamental liberties. 

What about your human right and fundamental liberty to believe or not believe in God? It is your choice whether to believe in God or not. Why must you be forced to be a Muslim just because your father happens to also be a Muslim? Did you ask to be born from Muslim parents? Was it your choice to be born from Muslim parents?

You had no say in the matter. You were not given a choice. Hence, once you reach the age of 18, you should be allowed to choose whether to be a Muslim or maybe become an Atheist, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or whatever.


Thus, as Opposition Leader, Anwar has to be brave enough to fight for the entire spectrum of human rights and fundamental liberties. The fight should not just be about detention without trial. There is more to human rights and fundamental liberties than just detention without trial. 

For example, if I have been diagnosed with cancer, is it my right or not my right to refuse treatment? Can the doctor force me to undergo treatment or can I choose to just go home and prepare myself for death?

The doctor will say that it is my right to refuse treatment. If I would rather die than undergo treatment then no one can do anything about that. That comes under human rights and fundamental liberties.

Okay, next question. I not only refuse treatment and would rather die but I also want to accelerate my death. The doctor tells me that if I undergo treatment I might have a few more years to live (but only insha-Allah, no guarantees) but if I do not undergo treatment then I for sure will not live beyond six months. However, my final few months are going to be a time of great suffering and excruciating pain. I would, in fact, wish I were already dead.

Why would I want to linger for another few months of great suffering and excruciating pain? If that is the case, why not end my suffering now? Can the doctor do what a vet would normally do to cats and dogs that no longer have any hope to live and are suffering and in great pain? Can the doctor give me an injection and ‘put me to sleep’?

Of course the doctor cannot. And if he or she does, then that doctor would be charged for murder. But why? What about my human right and fundamental liberty? What about my human right and fundamental liberty to a quality life and if I can no longer have quality of life then it is my human right and fundamental liberty to end my pain and suffering?

So you see, human rights and fundamental liberties is more than just about not being detained without trial. It is also about my right to my choices. My choice to a LGBT lifestyle, my choice to not believe in God, my choice to a religion, my choice to die if I no longer have any hope to live without extreme pain and suffering, and many, many more.

Oh yes, and one more thing, human rights and fundamental liberties is also about my choice to criticise politicians on whichever side of the political divide who are idiots and crooks. That too comes under human rights and fundamental liberties. However, apparently, that is not a choice that is open to me. I only have a choice to say nice things about politicians. I am not allowed the choice to say otherwise.


