PKR, DAP top guns to decide on overlapping seats

Sarawak PKR says it will throw its support behind anyone the top leadership eventually decides to put as candidate. 

(Free Malaysia Today) –  Sarawak PKR has got its list of candidates straightened-out and is all geared to move despite the fact that its still arguing with DAP over the four to five overlapping seats.

Sarawak PKR vice president See Chee How said they are ’95% ready’ and are not too disturbed by the hiccup.

Empowered by party’s three-seat victory in last April’s state election, See said: “Only four or five more seats are overlapping claims with DAP.

“But we have decided to leave it to the national leadership.

“Whoever is decided on to contest in these seats, we will support the candidates.

“We want to make sure that the Pakatan Rakyat will have a straight fight with the Barisan Nasional.”

See, who is the Batu Lintang assemblyman, however declined to name the five seats. But it is understood that he was refering to Mas Gading, Mambong (both Bidayuh majority constituencies), Sri Aman, Stampin and Miri.

It is also learnt that PKR has submitted names for the constituencies of Lubok Antu, Saratok, Kanowit, Selangau, Baram and Limbang.

What is known is that state PKR chief Baru Bian will be contesting in Limbang. Bian already holds the Ba Kelalan state constituency.


