Bar to Najib: Clarify ‘secret assignment’

The prime minister must come out and state whether senior lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah is acting for the government or for him and his wife Rosmah 

(Free Malaysia Today) – The Bar Council wants Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to clarify if prominent lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah’s “sensitive legal assignment” is being undertaken on behalf of the governement or on a personal matter for the premier and his wife Rosmah.

On Tuesday, PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution exposed a letter allegedly written by Shafee to senior judges seeking postponement of his cases, stating that he was “appointed on behalf of the government”, in particular by the prime minister and his wife, to undertake a “sensitive legal assignment”.

Opposition leaders have questioned if this secret assignment was somehow linked to the French judiciary’s investigation into the RM7.3 billion Scorpene submarines deal, which is also allegedly linked Najib and the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

The letter, dated March 23, was addressed to Chief Justice Ariffin Zakaria, Court of Appeal president Md Raus Sharif and Chief Judge of Malaya Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin seeking postponement of Shafee’s cases from April 1 to 25.

It also said that the “confidential” assignment “must be completed before the general election” and it involves Shafee travelling to New York, London, Dubai, Paris and Basel, in Switzerland.

Subsequently, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz told Parliament that the government had not appointed Shafee for the alleged mission abroad.

“This is not a government appointment because the government cannot appoint a lawyer to represent the prime minister’s wife,” said Nazri, who noted Shafee may have committed “misrepresentation”.

Bar Council vice-president Christopher Leong said that the contradictory statements by Nazri and Shafee’s official letter to the courts must be addressed by Najib himself.

“If the minister said that Shafee is not acting for the government, then Najib should confirm whether Shafee is acting for him in a private matter, and if so, then Shafee should explain and clarify his letter,” said Leong in a SMS to FMT.

Second letter surfaces

Leong said that if Shafee was acting for Najib in the latter’s capacity as prime minister, then it’s a government matter. It does not include Rosmah who is not part of the government of Malaysia.

On whether it was incumbent upon Najib and the government to respond to the matter, Leong said: “The general rule of governance is transparency and accountability not just to fellow members of government and agencies of government but certainly to the public.

“However, sometimes the subject matter itself is secret…this is usually only with respect to national security matters. Then disclosure to the public may be curtailed,” he added.

“However, there must nevertheless be a proper record kept and internal accountability. This record is so that the matter is and can be scrutinised by present and future government.”

Leong said that the it was a common practice for the government to appoint private lawyers and that was not an issue. 


