While “CHIBAI” and “TIBAI” fever spreads, Parliament does a marathon

While “TIBAI” and “CHIBAI” is being fed to the populace, the power brokers are having a field day manipulating laws to serve some hidden interests.

J. D. Lovrenciear

What do you make out of politics in Malaysia these days? Do you laugh? Get a cardiac arrest? Or just throw the towel in?

One politician has already started hanging out banners in town proclaiming “TIBAI”; in rebuttal to it, some creative Malaysian has coined and posted the acronym “CHIBAI” – which is becoming a household term of reference on the blogs now.

Meanwhile another frenzied BN led government has even stopped time to get through a marathon of Bills in Parliament. What an illusion!

Mind you, the politicians on the BN turf had decades to sort out the suppressive Acts but only could finally rush through the “baby” amendments on a marathon leg early dawn today, giving room for suspecting dissolution of the august House.

What kind of governance are we really having? Does it all not sound like some sort of herd mindset? When the bull says charge, all the rest just follow.

It actually raises some very fundamental issues. It also reflects a far more serious reality. It seems to indicate that Malaysians are still buried in a fourth-world mindset but are pretending that they are migrating to a developed status someday soon, come 2020.

It also clearly shows that while “TIBAI” and “CHIBAI” is being fed to the populace, the power brokers are having a field day manipulating laws to serve some hidden interests.

Meanwhile concerned citizens keep their hopes pinned on GE13. Only time can tell whether we will break that barrier that keeps us pinned down as a fourth-world democracy; only the outcome of the GE13 can affirm whether  all that pretending to be a first-world nation can be repaired and fixed without fear and favor.

In the meantime, we can only resign into being prepared to be besieged by more dramas of “CHIBAI” and TIBAI” of mega-scales – the very benchmarks of a fourth-world mindset.

For the road ahead is indeed tri-forked. One, the voters return the same old larder-raiders back to power. Two, they vote an alternative option to nationhood with a decisive majority votes. And three, the voting was tipping in the direction of unprecedented change, but by some mysterious intervention the scales tipped back again.

