Freedom without wisdom – Part 3 of debunking RPK
You keep on wanting to fix the politicians (heart). I think at this point in time if the liver, the colon and other body parts of Malaysia is not fixed, you might end up six feet under with lots of files of cases unresolved buried with you in your coffin. We will be bankrupt with the same type of politicians whom you defined as idiots still running the country for another 5 years.
Kuo Yong Kooi
This is the third part series of debunking RPK.
(1) The first part is: and
(2) The second part is:
Compassion and kindness.
RPK’s article on “Prostitutes are more decent than politicians“; To quote RPK, “Why must I be nice to politicians, even if they are opposition politicians? And why do you get upset when I refuse to suck the dicks of politicians, in particular opposition politicians? And why do you expect me to also be stupid like you, in regarding politicians as better than prostitutes?”.
Dear RPK,
I don’t want to end up in a Kopitiam kind of argument. I can be a Smart Aleck and ask you what kind of opposition politicians are you talking about? Are you saying that our Tok Guru Nik Aziz is less decent than a prostitute? I have high regards for a lot of PAS politicians, Mr RPK. PSM politicians like Dr Kumar Devaraj is a very decent guy, you know. I would like to save my “Chi” from getting involved in Kopitiam types of arguments.
Hey RPK, no one is disputing that you cannot criticize opposition lah. In the current political climate in Malaysia, it is just not being compassionate and being unkind to all the people who have worked very hard and to the people who wish and hope for a change.
What you are doing is putting yourself in the first world political climate where public services like the Election Commission, PDRM, judiciary, military, Department of the Environment and MACC are independent and have powers to prosecute perpetrators of law without fear or favor. We all know that those departments are on the UMNO regime’s side and they do not have teeth.
Malaysia’s current political climate is like having a big bully in the school yard for a long time. You have taken the task to train the little kid that is being bullied. You have to be patient and kind to the little kid. Every time the little kid makes a mistake, you bash him up for his mistake because you expect a higher standard. How then do you expect this little kid to stand up to the big bully? In your article “The Origins of Laws“, you have rightly pointed out that most of Malaysia’s laws are from British Colonial and Christians Laws, but you are applying the developed Western nation’s media scrutiny and standard to the current Malaysian political climate.
Yes, in your article “Why it is not working“, you have rightly pointed out that if we argue that way, then we are supporting Mahathir’s position in his 20 years of dictatorship. In here I would like to bring in the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) world view into this argument. Assuming someone has been seeing a TCM doctor and keeps on complaining about headaches. The TCM practitioner will diagnose through his pulse to see where the source of the headache comes from. It could be from eating the wrong food, indigestion, over eating, over working, over thinking or too much time looking at the computer/TV screens. The medicines applied are the herbs to get rid of the headache and includes advice on foods to avoid. On further questioning the patient, if the source of the headache seems to be from lack of physical activities, over working and stress, then the advice may include doing some physical activity like Tai Chi/Qi Gong, Yoga or meditation.
If you visit a Western doctor, you might be given Panadol and two years later, the Panadol may not work and you substitute with stronger drugs. The Western medical world view is trying to deal with fixing the symptom “headache” without trying to connect to the source of the initial problem. After a while, the stronger drugs will not work because the source of the problem has not been dealt with and later down the track the patient may suffer from stomach cancer or colon cancer which indicates the source of the problem comes from food or indigestion.
So, to go back to the pulse of the current political climate in Malaysia, there is not much that can be done at the politicians’ level at this point in time. We must look at the nation as an organic body. At the present political climate in Malaysia, as a simile of the age of a human body, the heart (politicians) is as good as it gets.
There might be a link here for example if the liver problem (government departments like MACC, judiciary, DOE, EC, PDRM … etc) is not functioning well. If we apply the correct medicine in fixing the condition of the liver, giving powers to those above mentioned public service departments, then through time there would be a natural selection of weeding out the corrupt politicians, judges, police and others. This will ultimately create a better political environment with more ethical politicians, judges and other higher officials. Hence through this organic evolution, Malaysia might grow to be more democratic and a less corrupt nation.
But until the cultural and attitude change of these dysfunctional government departments are realized, you are only “shiok sendiri” in your daily dose of “I told you so”, “I have the right to criticize whomever I want”, “Human rights and fundamental liberties are for idiots” and “Was I right or was I wrong?”. It does not really matter if we have a two party system with a Third Force like UK or two alliance system at the moment. It does not have to fit in with your definition of where we are at and what label it is. Every country has got their own unique situation which will not totally fall into your label of “Why it is not working”. The reality is if BN wins the next election, there will be no change in those dysfunctional government departments.
In reply to your article on “You deserve Umno and BN“, I know you are being a devil’s advocate here. But it does not matter if we move up to “Bersih 9.0 or 10.0”. This medicine is needed to fix up the stiff shoulders and small intestine (i.e PDRM, FRU, EC and also empowering the masses). Your suggested medicine of boycott UMNO cronies businesses is a part of the cocktail of herbs needed to fix the headache. We definitely can’t keep on using Panadol and Paracetamol only (Parliamentarians).
Sometimes you do bring up your Jalan Petaling gangster “Loong Fu Tong” type of fist fight arguments, getting nowhere except feeding your anger, frustration and revenge on someone that you dislike (i.e Anwar and his cohorts). There is a counterpoint to every argument. At the end of the day, a correct application of medicine is crucial to fixing the problem.
Your diagnose/pulse/analysis of the current political climate is very accurate, your “deepthroats” are top notch. Your connections with those deepthroats made you the “decorated war hero” of the blogger’s world. Not many Malaysians can do a better job than what you are doing at the moment. Only your emotions overshadow the application of the correct medicine at the right time and place.
You keep on wanting to fix the politicians (heart). I think at this point in time if the liver, the colon and other body parts of Malaysia is not fixed, you might end up six feet under with lots of files of cases unresolved buried with you in your coffin. We will be bankrupt with the same type of politicians whom you defined as idiots still running the country for another 5 years.
RPK caught in between a rock and a hard place.
You have fortunately or unfortunately (it’s up to you to decide) located yourself in a very influential position to shift the thinking of the electorate. You are stuck in between a rock and a hard place. Or you happen to have a real estate right on the border of BN and Pakatan. If you make a step to the left you end up in Pakatan’s territory, likewise if you step to the right you end up in the UMNO’s regime’s territory. There are no two ways about it. I can say whatever I like because I am nobody. I cannot influence the outcome of the election, but you can.
Aung Sang Suu Kyi was only given two options; to leave the country with her family or stay in her country. A rock/movie celebrity can sleep with whomever he/she likes, a celebrity politician can’t. You are a celebrity to some extent. So your freedom is limited. That is the price for being a celebrity. Traditionally the UMNO youth leaders wave their “keris” in the general assembly but when they are promoted to be Prime Ministers, they stop doing that.
Look at this scenario; if you are near your father’s death bed, and you hate your brother’s guts (DSAI and his cohorts) for all the reasons you have pointed out. Your brother is also near your father’s death bed. Do you go ahead and scold him (your brother) at that point in time or do you wait until your father’s death is completed before you settle the score? I would wait until the father dies before scolding the brother. You should respect your father and let him die in peace. Would you respect that moment? That moment is not about what you think is right or about your emotions, it is about giving time for the process of death to happen. Even though you are right, you need to stay quiet for it is not about you, it’s about your father’s death.
On Episode 27 : PKR secret succession plan. It matters to you but on the big scale of things it does not matter if Nurul Izzah loses the next election. Nurul Izzah might choose to join PAS after that and it might lead to the death of PKR. PKR is the weakest link for the next two General elections until it can sort itself out of the dilemma of Katak Politicians from UMNO/BN and their present leaderships. There are lots of other talents in PAS and DAP.
Episode 27 is just the “Bolehwood” drama that got everybody interested. In the next week there might be an increase in traffic to your blog and sales of teh tarik in Kopitiams in Malaysia. But the real issue of respecting the father’s death (ie a change of government that could lead to a possible transformation of the government departments) is forgotten. People are always interested in who is back stabbing who. That’s why the Women’s magazines and the “WHO” magazines are popular. There are back stabbings in every work place, even more back stabbings in all political parties around the world. What is new here?
If you still think that you have the right to say anything you want at anytime, then try telling it to the families who have their loved ones die of gun violence in America. Tell them it is their god given constitutional right to bear arms. There are pros and cons to that argument but there will come a time when that freedom to bear arms will have to end. Freedom has to come with wisdom and responsibility. If not then these arguments can well be true; “We are all free to fish out as many fishes in the ocean as we like”. We are free to utilize all the natural resources as we like. We are free to drink as much alcohol as we like. Your children are free to play as many computer games as long as they like. You kids are free to “lepak” in the shopping centers as long as they like. You are free to smoke as much as you want. You are free to gamble at the casino as long as you want.
As far as I am concerned, given the present Malaysia’s political climate, you have to go to bed with Anwar. You can’t say I am not going to. If you don’t then I will accuse you of “closet”ly sleeping with Najib. This is because you are a decorated war hero of the blogger’s world (a celebrity). Looking at the demographics of Malaysia Today readers, when you write something to criticize the opposition, 40% of Malaysia Today readers will accuse you of sleeping with Najib, 30% will analyze that for a while, 10% will agree with you, 10% will be confused and 10% won’t care for they visit your website to look at those interesting advertisements because their wives are at home at that time. This is how things are. Why so Cheong Hei on your basic human rights?
If your aims and objectives of setting up Malaysia Today have changed, that’s fine. Write what you want and good luck to Malaysia in the next General Election.
I would like to apologise if you feel I have written harsh words about you.
May you be well and happy, RPK.