The awakening has begun
From Malaysia-Today‘s Press pounces on Anwar and Azmin:
PKR de facto leader and deputy president were castigated in a media conference by reporters from various news portals and newspapers as the pair faced accusations of being the culprits responsible for inciting protesters to invade the barricaded Dataran Merdeka during last weekend’s Bersih 3.0 rally.
Both Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali found themselves on the defense during in yesterday’s press conference at the party headquarters, deflecting onslaughts from distraught journalists from both pro-government media as well as those known to have leaning towards the Opposition. […]
However, Anwar was confronted once again when a Bersih 3.0 protester, Benjy Lim, suddenly came up and accused the Opposition leader of being responsible for causing the chaos.
Lim said Anwar’s purported action of inciting protesters had caused people to be exposed to danger where lives were at risk.
“I know how the police operate in this country because I was not born yesterday. The riot happened because the Opposition started it,” said Lim, who had refused to accept Anwar’s explanation that the police were the ones to blame.
Upon failing to give an objective explanation to Lim’s accusation, Anwar then promised to ‘entertain’ Lim in a separate session as the conference was exclusively for the media.
In The Malaysian Insider‘s The Bersih that wasn’t columnist Dina Zaman wrote (extracts):
A former journalist Asohan Aryaduray wrote in his Facebook page “Except that we were not that united. Elements in the crowd were confusing the issue. By the time we had reached Masjid Jamek there were pockets of people shouting ‘F Lynas ’, ‘Hancur BN’ and that late 1990s terminally ill horse ‘Reformasi’”.
Hijackers ler. There were also shouts of ‘Hancur Rosmah’ (WTF has this got to do with Bersih?) – guess which party supporters would make those party-instigated calls?
Many genuine Bersih supporters shook their heads quietly at that but nobody was going to gainsay another’s right to freedom of expression, I guess.
So many felt betrayed and angry. Even me.
But now I see videos of protestors breaking down the barriers and committing acts of violence. And yes, while the police showed more restraint this time they were behind some of these as well. Al-Jazeera journalists reported via Skype that their equipment was smashed by policemen to prevent them recording some of these acts of violence.
Despite suffering from the teargas effects I myself have not the spirit to summon the moral indignation I would like to have because although they should have done so lawfully I cannot blame the police for taking action against violent protestors.
What can we Malaysians expect post April 28 2012?
With a video circulating showing that Anwar Ibrahim and Azmin Ali had ordered the Dataran breach this does not bode well for Pakatan and the rakyat. This is a massive public relations disaster. The average Malaysian like me can only tear her hair out.
And now we are told that the duo were signalling to the police. What is this — Tonto and the Lone Ranger?