That curious sign “Welcome to Tel Aviv” on the Dataran barricade

We have might. We influence legislatures, even the UN. We’ve links in media, business, public and private sectors. We control weaponry and finance. Breaking “legitimate” boundaries, taking over lands, neutralizing the enemy, not a problem. We’re acting in defence.


In November 1917, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, facilitating establishment a national home for the Jewish people, on land once belonging entirely to the Palestinians. In 1922, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate over Palestine. Zionism encouraged Jewish immigration and settlement on the land. In November 1947 the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 which partitioned Palestine. Israel, now with “legitimate” boundaries, became protected by the most sophisticated and skilfully trained armed forces in the Middle East.

On 31st August 1957, the newly independent Malaysia rose its flag at Dataran Merdeka. At unknown time, by some unknown legislation or gift, the Dataran was given to DBKL for unknown sum, of land once belonging entirely to the Rakyat. “Legitimized” by a Court order on 27 April 2012, the PDRM and FRU takes over the Dataran with the most powerful gas musketeers and pepper-water cannons.

Skirmishes into Israeli boders. Stones, bombs and bullets by “terrorists” will not be tolerated. In response, push settlements outwards, new boundaries demarcated, Barricades erected. Hey, you’ve breached the boundaries. No this is defence.

Independence Square must be protected. Barbed wire and railings roll out, cross the Dataran, over the public roads, outwards to the brim of the junction. Hey, you’ve breached the court “legitimized” boundaries. No this is defence.

It’s 1967. Egypt, Jordan, Syria up in arms. Palestinians crying foul. Israel “legitimized” for peace. A minor boundary breach and a 6 day war is all it takes. Israel pushes a multi directional onslaught. Sinai, Gaza, West Bank, Golan Heights and all in between till the borders of Lebanon taken. All provocations neutralized and Israel became 3 times larger.

It’s 28 April 2012. Hundreds of thousands in carnival sit. Merely asking for clean polls that fit. A single flip by a bare fist of a flimsy rail is all it takes. A breach by the opposing side is blamed and the full furore of the PDRM and FRU follows. Tear gas and pepper-water to party the Rakyat. Push them afar and neutralize all. A multidirectional onslaught. Smash the harmless, armless peace seekers. Forget the “legitimized” Dataran boundaries. Retake the whole of KL from the Rakyat.

We have might. We influence legislatures, even the UN. We’ve links in media, business, public and private sectors. We control weaponry and finance. Breaking “legitimate” boundaries, taking over lands, neutralizing the enemy, not a problem. We’re acting in defence.

We have might. We control our legislature, media, all sectors with our bloated civil service, including prosecutions. Blame the Anwar-Azmin break-dance gestures. Of course we could have easily bolstered our positions and caught the encroaches but that’s no fun. Let’s smash them all. We’re acting in defence.

Never underestimate the ZIONUMNOISTS.
….. as our defacto law minister says, “Let’s not be naive”

Welcome to Tel Aviv indeed.
