Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) Inquiry a Defamation Trap
“The Government’s PSC is a charade and a farce if citizens’ right to speak out in the national interest is undermined, first by Lynas and now by our own Parliament.”
Save Malaysia Stop Lynas (SMSL)
SMSL walked out of yesterday’s PSC inquiry on the refusal of the Committee to provide a written guarantee that the necessary Parliamentary privilege be granted so that the evidence given will NOT be used against SMSL for libel suit.
Mr Tan Bun Teet, a Kuantan resident and the spokesperson for SMSL said, “As a citizen’s and civil society group, we have every right under the Malaysian constitution to protect our family, our livelihoods, our environment and our country. Yet the PSC would not even uphold the constitution to protect citizens and Malaysia’s own interest.”
“In the first place SMSL wouldn’t have bothered to take part in the PSC had it not because it is necessary to clear the way for SMSL to apply to the court to withhold the three licences approved by the Government for Lynas to begin its operations.” Explained Mr Tan.
Yesterday, Lynas filed a second application at the Kuala Lumpur High Court to seek an injunction against Mr Tan and another SMSL volunteer for alleged defamation.
SMSL is a people’s organisation consisting of a team of highly committed community volunteers backed up by strong public support from all over Malaysia and concerned citizens internationally.
SMSL has sought expert advice on the Lynas project. It has had investigative research carried out on Lynas Corporation and its rare earth project by highly qualified independent professionals both in Malaysia, Australia and elsewhere. SMSL’s views are based on expert advice.
“The Government’s PSC is a charade and a farce if citizens’ right to speak out in the national interest is undermined, first by Lynas and now by our own Parliament.”
Mr Tan emphasised, “All we have done is speaking out in the interests of our country and telling the truth about the Lynas rare earth project in the interest of the public and our country.”
“Our views and position are backed up by accurate and reliable data and research findings. For the Chairman of the PSC to make a public statement claiming that the LAMP is a state-of-the art facility before the PSC inquiry is completed just goes to show how ill equipped and lacking our law makers are in tackling a complex issue like Lynas.”
“SMSL will exercise our constitutional right to seek legal recourse. The people of Malaysia have given SMSL their mandate to challenge the approval of licenses at the high court.”
“We have support from high caliber expert witnesses ready to testify in court. Our supporters have donated generously for us to fight on and we shall.” Concluded Mr Tan.