Malays in DAP urged to quit party

(Malaysia Chronicle) – The resignation of DAP vice-chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim proves that the Malays have no place in that opposition party, says Umno information chief Ahmad Maslan.

In this regard, the deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department is calling on the small group of Malays in DAP to quit the party as it “has no respect for the other communities”.

Ahmad said he left it to Tunku Abdul Aziz if he was interested to join Umno.

Ahmad, who is also Pontian member of parliament, was speaking to reporters after welcoming the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim at Kampung Parit Puteri Menangis, here, on Wednesday in conjunction with the Kembara Mahkota Johor 2012 programme.

He was commenting on Tunku Abdul Aziz’s resignation from DAP after being rebuked by the party’s top leadership for expressing dissenting views on the opposition-backed Bersih 3.0 rally recently.

He said the DAP’s action of getting a few Malays to join the party was just to give the public the impression that it was a multi-racial party.

“And although DAP is called Democratic Action Party, it does not practise democratic principles even within the party.”

He said, meanwhile, there was increasing support for the BN government from the Chinese community as they were attracted to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s 1Malaysia concept.

“This was shown by the presence of about 2,000 Chinese residents in Bakri, Muar at a dinner function organised by the local Barisan Nasional leaders on Tuesday.

“Personally, it was a surprise for me as this (Bakri) is a DAP stronghold,” he said.

