PKR, DAP in tussle over several seats

(Borneo Post) – It seems that Miri is not the only parliamentary seat where Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and Democratic Action Party (DAP) want to field their own candidates for the opposition front in the coming general election.

PKR Sarawak vice-chairman See Chee How said there were fewer than five seats with overlapping claims by both PKR and DAP.

“Negotiations are still ongoing (to resolve the matter). The last meeting we had was end of last month,” he said yesterday at a press conference to announce a ‘Bicara Merdeka Rakyat’ talk scheduled tonight (May 20).

Last Thursday, DAP announced its Senadin branch chairlady Lim Su Kien as the candidate for Miri to the dismay of PKR, which had hoped to put their own candidate for the seat.

See said PKR’s potential candidate was PKR Miri branch chairman Dr Michael Teo.

Recent media reports indicate that the two Pakatan Rakyat (PR) allies are tussling for the Stampin seat.

DAP announced recently it would contest in 12 to 15 seats out of the 31 in Sarawak in the coming election while PKR is eyeing 12 to 14 seats.

Two of the parliamentary seats currently held by DAP are Bandar Kuching and Sibu.

Rumour has it that DAP’s Bandar Kuching MP Chong Chieng Jen would move to stand in Stampin, while cardiologist Dr Tang Sie Hing would stand in Bandar Kuching, also for DAP.

The other seats with overlapping claims by PKR and DAP could be Mas Gading, Mambong, Sri Aman and Lanang.

On another matter, See expressed his disappointment with some of the replies given by ministers and assistant ministers during question-and-answer in the ongoing State Legislative Assembly sitting.

The Batu Lintang assemblyman said based on the replies, some of the projects requested by the assemblymen could not take off or were delayed because of lack of funds, although the projects were much needed in the constituencies.

He said such a situation should not arise as Sarawak had contributed a lot to the country’s economy and gross domestic product (GDP).

“If the government has transparency and there is no wastage, we should not have this kind of problem.”

He revealed that PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would be among the PR leaders speaking at tonight’s talk at 3rd Mile Bazaar near here.

The other speakers are PKR Sarawak chairman Baru Bian and DAP Sarawak chairman Wong Ho Leng.

A lawyer involved with the Scorpene (submarine) scandal will make a special appearance at the talk.
