Sodomy II prosecutor now in Anwar’s legal team for illegal assembly charge

Yusof was the Solicitor-General II in the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

The Malaysian Insider understands that Yusof’s ties with Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Patail have been cool for some time and he had disagreed with the way some of the high-profile cases had been handled.

Former Solicitor-General II Datuk Yusof Zainal Abiden has joined Datuk Anwar Ibrahim’s legal team as the opposition leader is charged with taking part in an illegal street demonstration today.

It was a startling turn of events as Yusof had led the Sodomy II prosecution against Anwar, which saw the latter being acquitted earlier this year.

He has since retired from the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

“I got a call from Anwar last night. I did not hesitate. Nothing personal against the A-G’s Chambers,” Yusof told The Malaysian Insider when approached.

The Malaysian Insider understands that Yusof’s ties with Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Ghani Patail have been cool for some time and he had disagreed with the way some of the high-profile cases had been handled.

He was earlier spotted mingling with Anwar’s other defence lawyers.

PKR leader and lawyer Sivarasa Rasiah confirmed with The Malaysian Insider in a text message when asked if the former government lawyer was on the PKR de facto head’s legal team.

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