Much ado at Ambiga’s home

Bersih brouhaha : Gerakan Belia Gagasan 1Malaysia president Shahrul Nasrun Kamarudin handing over a memorandum for Ambiga to Bersih co-chairman Datuk A. Samad Said yesterday.

(The Star) – Two groups converged outside Bersih co-chairman Datuk S. Ambiga’s house in Bukit Damansara to voice their protest against the April 28 rally.

Although the Kuala Lumpur Petty Traders Action Council’s “pasar malam protest” was called off, another group of 50 youths – wearing white T-shirts with the word Halau 1.0 – marched by, shouting slogans.

They were watched by more than a hundred police and City Hall enforcement officers, who were on standby at Ambiga’s residence since yesterday afternoon. Vehicles were not stopped from passing the area.

Council chairman Datuk Jamal Md Yunus, who was supposed to lead some 60 traders in setting up the stalls at 4pm, said they decided to call it off as they did not want to go against City Hall and the police.

Jamal, who handed over a memorandum to Ambiga, said the council now planned to gather 150,000 people at the Bukit Jalil stadium on June 23 to express its rejection of the Bersih rallies as well as to promote peace.

“We still want Ambiga to be held responsible for our losses and we don’t want Bersih to organise any more rallies,” he said.

“Malaysians who love peace can attend our rally. They also stand a chance to win a Lamborghini Gallardo and other luxury cars via our lucky draws,” he added.

Jamal had previously announced that Internet users could win the Lamborghini Gallardo and a BMW by “liking” the council’s Facebook page.

When asked how the traders could afford such cars, Jamal said: “As individuals, we will suffer losses. But when we unite, we can afford to give away such gifts, no matter how costly it is.”

He also distanced himself from the earlier group, saying that “they were not part of us”.

That group – calling itself Gerakan Belia Gagasan 1Malaysia – had marched towards Ambiga’s house, shouting “Bersih kotor!” (Bersih is dirty) and “Halau Ambiga!” (Chase away Ambiga).

They, too, handed over a memorandum to Ambiga and demanded that she apologise to all Malaysians for the damage caused due to Bersih rallies.

On Wednesday, Barisan Nasional secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor had slammed the protests, which included the setting up of the burger and hawker stalls, and mock butt exercises.

He said those unhappy with Bersih should sue Ambiga instead.

In IPOH, some 50 non-governmental bodies have also hit out at those making personal attacks against Ambiga.

“The perpetrators have stooped so low as to have absolutely no qualms in belittling her religious sensitivities and undertaking acts of vulgarity,” said Bersih 3.0 Perak coordinator Augustine Anthony.

Later, Ambiga said although she was not unsympathetic towards the traders, she urged them to weigh this against having free and fair elections.

“Decide which is more important. My only apology is that we have allowed Malaysia to come down to this level – where my neighbourhood has become a war zone.”

