GE13 may be ‘most violent’ polls in Malaysian history, says Guan Eng

(The Malaysian Insider) – Lim Guan Eng expressed fear today that the coming 13th general election would be Malaysia’s “most violent” in history, judging from the recent spate of attacks against Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders and supporters.

The DAP secretary-general added that inaction from the police and the Barisan Nasional’s (BN) “desperation” to retain power would only spark further violence and endanger democracy. 

On Thursday night, a PKR rally in Lembah Pantai turned violent when the function was pelted with stones, eggs and water bottles, resulting in the fracas that saw at least two seriously injured. 

“Despite irrefutable proof in the form of photographic and video recordings of violence by Umno supporters against PR leaders and supporters, those responsible for such violence have not been charged in court,” Lim said in a statement today. 

He added that Umno supporters video-taped beating up reporters and photographers in Penang earlier this year and last year have also not been charged. 

“Will PR leaders, including Chief Minister and elected representatives, have to be physically injured and harmed before any action is taken to protect them and ensure a violence-free political campaign?” Lim asked. 

“The serial procession of violence over the past weeks… indicates that this elections may be the most violent in history out of BN’s desperation to retain power at all costs,” he added. 

Lim also claimed that Umno had begun using “the language of hate and violence” ever since Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced that Umno must defend Putrajaya “even if our bodies are crushed and our lives lost”. 

“Najib’s infamous call that day shows how that language of violence is no longer limited to words but has degenerated into mindless and thuggish violence,” said Lim. 

But Lim maintained that despite the looming threat of violence, PR leaders will continue to campaign and reach out to Malaysians, adding that he himself intended to visit BN strongholds in Johor next week. 

“DAP reminds BN to take heed from the lessons of terror tactics of former Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak against his own people, (which was) ultimately met (with) complete rejection and failure. The people no longer fear such oppressive tactics as they want freedom,” he said.

