Files proved Azmin is corrupt, says RPK

(Free Malaysia Today) – The blogger says there are paper trails showing the Gombak MP owning shares, houses and cars totalling about RM1.5 million and almost RM10 million in cash.

Firebrand Raja Petra Kamarudin claimed to have “buried” files showing PKR deputy president Azmin Ali’s involvement in graft when he was still with the government in 1995.

The self-exiled Malaysia Today webmaster also implicated PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim whom he alleged in his latest posting today to have ordered the cover-up of the probe on Azmin at the time.

Anwar was then the deputy prime minister while Azmin, known to many as the former’s “blue-eyed boy”, was his private secretary.

The fugitive blogger said a disillusioned high-ranking officer with the then Anti-Corruption Agency had met him in London to hand over a thick file of hundreds of documents which contained enough evidence to charge the PKR No 2.

The case, however, was allegedly classified as “no further action” under Anwar’s instruction.

Vincent Tan’s payroll

“The file remained buried all this while until my Deep Throat in the MACC [which is the successor to ACA) was able to exhume it and run me a copy of the entire file.

“I must say that the contents of the file, which took quite a while to read, is not only most interesting but is extremely damaging to both Azmin and Anwar,” the Selangor royalty said.

Among those highlighted is one showing the PKR deputy president purportedly receiving a monthly stipend of RM15,000 from the Berjaya Group tycoon Vincent Tan.

Other files are paper trails showing the Gombak MP owning shares, houses and cars totalling about RM1.5 million and almost RM10 million in cash. The cheques are said to have flowed through Azmin’s and his wife, Shamsidar Taharin’s, bank accounts.

“All these transactions were confirmed and certified by the banks concerned, as the attached reports show,” he said, referring to the published “confidential” ACA files on his website.

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