Klang DAP leaders want probe

(The Star) – The Klang DAP parliamentary liasion committee (PLC) has been disbanded and replaced by a new committee with the blessings of Selangor DAP.

In a written complaint, 16 branch leaders have requested DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng to investigate and reinstate the PLC as it was a democratically elected body.

“We want the party’s central executive committee to determine whether the takeover is valid and legitimate,” they said.

A party official said the PLC had supported former Klang municipal councillor Tee Boon Hock (pic) who was sacked from the party and also defeated state executive councillor Ronnie Liu’s men in the Klang PLC elections two years ago.

“The state wants to replace the committee which is not supporting Liu, with its own supporters,” the official said.

In the letter by the 16 branch leaders, which was made available to The Star, they said a state leader had sabotaged the committee’s attempt to have its annual general meeting on Sept 14 and Sept 23.

“After the meeting was called off due to insufficient quorum, the state committee had not reconvened a meeting although requested by the PLC,” the letter said.

On May 11, the state set up a new interim committee, bypassing the committee which was elected in 2010.

“We feel the takeover was not done in a proper manner and is unconstitutional,” the letter said.

It said the state had not issued any letter to dissolve the existing PLC nor have they had any meeting with the new committee.

Meanwhile, DAP Taman Gembira branch secretary T.G. Teh said representatives from 16 branches in the Klang PLC had met DAP chairman Karpal Singh to brief him on the problems.

“He (Karpal) said he would make arrangements for Guan Eng to meet us in a week but it has now been more than a month,” he said.

