Malaysian Anwar accused of amassing millions while in power (VIDEO NEWS REPORT)
(PressTV) – It has emerged that he was investigated for allegedly amassing one billion US dollars in several bank accounts when he was the deputy prime minister in the late 90s. The story has hit the newspapers for the first time with ruling politicians calling for the anti-corruption commission to re-open the case. But some observers feel Anwar’s weak response is raising serious doubts.
The allegations came from the former deputy governor of the Central Bank who claimed he moved millions of dollars between accounts for Anwar. The anti-corruption body however said it had to drop the investigation due to the lack of a paper trail.
Anwar’s opposition coalition has made fighting corruption the centre piece of its political platform and his supporters dismiss it as yet more dirty politics.
Opposition coalition says it expects more personal attacks against its leaders. Anwar has already served six years in jail for abuse of power and twice been acquitted of serious sexual misconduct although the most recent case is under appeal. His deputy and other opposition politicians have also been targets of allegations of sexual and financial wrongdoings.