Pakatan using Ambiga as a distraction for their failings
(FMT) – Much as many Malaysians were thrilled by the 2008 political tsunami that was supposed to have changed the political landscape in Malaysia, many are undoubtedly disappointed and saddened by just how far the Pakatan Rakyat has squandered the faith placed in them. In particular, they have squandered the faith of the thousands of Indians whose votes swung the election in their favour in four states.
It is not an exaggeration to say that in 2008, Pakatan rode on the back of Hindraf to win Indian votes. The depth of discontent against the BN and especially the MIC in 2008 was such that almost 80% of Indian voters went for Pakatan. However, after four years in power in four states, they have done nothing substantial or tangible for the Indians apart from giving piecemeal handouts to temples, NGOs and Tamil schools.
On the contrary, it seems that the party which has woken up to the resounding backlash by the Indian community in Malaysia has been the BN. Compared to the amount of policy and special initiatives taken by the Najib government, Pakatan has not implemented concrete policies that address the long-standing issues of the Indian community, while claiming that they are being fair to all races.
Realising that their Indian support has steadily dwindled over the past four years and with a general election coming up soon, Pakatan are now resorting to garnering Indian support by coming to the ‘passionate’ defence of Bersih leader, S Ambiga. They shout themselves hoarse at the harassment which Ambiga has had to endure because that is the only issue of substance they can talk about.
It can be argued that the vast majority of Malaysians strongly feel that acts to harass and intimidate Ambiga at her home is not only idiotic but should be harshly and maybe even punished. BN leaders should have condemned the intimidation as well and with some vigour. That being said, Pakatan’s defence of her smells plainly opportunistic.
Just like how Anwar and other Pakatan leaders took advantage of her to hijack the peaceful protest of Bersih 3.0, this time their rush to her defence seems like it was just to score points and an opportunity to spew their rhetoric rather than any genuine concern for Ambiga herself.
The sad thing is that rather than focusing on the idiocy of those who have harassed Ambiga, Pakatan and Anwar Ibrahim in particular, have been fanning racial flames by claiming that this is being done solely because Ambiga is a Hindu and Indian. Aside from condemning these stupid acts, these parties are foolishly by playing the racial card and trying to score political points with general elections in mind.
Despite denying it repeatedly, Ambiga has yet again become a pawn in Anwar Ibrahim’s never-ending struggle to become Prime Minister. He is clearly making use of Ambiga as a puppet to achieve his desperate political ambition despite denying it. Quite apart from the fact that this was not a racial issue, the depths that Pakatan has descended just to score some cheap political points is astonishing.
If, as she says, she remains politically unaffiliated, then Ambiga should have no fear in politely declining Anwar’s over-the-top gestures. The sad thing is that Bersih and Ambiga have never distanced themselves from the Opposition which is taking advantage of her seemingly political naivety to score cheap political points.
Pakatan believe they can tug on the heart strings of the emotional Indians by coming out to defend an Indian woman who is being bullied by pre-dominantly Malay based groups including Umno/BN. Not only is that insulting to the intelligence of the Indian community, it is downright racist.