Yes, let’s hear your confession
So what the Talibans did in Afghanistan is correct. The Talibans punish those with a LGBT lifestyle and they blow up Buddhist statues. They also slaughter cows and eat the meat. That is the Islamic thing to do. And would Muralitharan dare speak out against this also since he is so concerned about what religion allows and forbids?
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Isu LGBT: Ambiga perlu jelaskan pendirian
Tidak ada agama di dunia ini yang menghalalkan kegiatan LGBT di kalangan penganutnya
Seorang pemimpin Pemuda MIC mempertikai tindakan Pengerusi bersama perhimpunan Bersih 3.0 Datuk S Ambiga yang selama ini lantang memperjuang isu lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT) sedangkan tidak ada agama di dunia ini yang menghalalkan kegiatan LGBT di kalangan penganutnya.
Ketua Pemuda MIC Bahagian Tebrau, Johor T Muralitharan berkata tidak ada agama di dunia ini yang menghalalkan kegiatan LGBT, justeru Ambiga harus menyatakan perkara ini terutama dalam aspek pegangan agamanya.
Muralitharan berkata Ambiga sebenarnya telah diperguna oleh Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bagi meraih sokongan masyarakat India terhadap pakatan pembangkang.
“Kalau dulu Anwar gunakan Hindraf, sekarang beliau gunakan Ambiga dan Bersih untuk raih sokongan masyarakat India.
“Tapi saya tidak fikir kaum India negara ini akan terpedaya dan menyokong Ambiga, terutamanya kerana isu LGBT,” katanya kepada Bernama. (FMT)
T. Muralitharan, the MIC Youth Leader from Johor, is demanding that S. Ambiga declare her stand on LGBTs. His argument for demanding this is because no religion in the world allows a LGBT lifestyle.
Actually, there are a lot of things that religion forbids. Religion also forbids rape, murder, corruption, cruelty, gambling, abuse of power, wastage, mismanagement of public funds, persecution, racism, nepotism, and much more. So why is this small-minded Tambi from Johor demanding that Ambiga state her stand just on LGBTs?
I mean, the reason this Muralitharan fellow is demanding that Ambiga state her stand on LGBTs is because religion is opposed to it. That is the reason given by Muralitharan. Hence, if religion is the issue, then there are so many other things that religion also forbids. So why ask Ambiga to state her stand just on LBGTs? What about rape, murder, corruption, cruelty, gambling, abuse of power, wastage, mismanagement of public funds, persecution, racism, nepotism, etc.? Should Ambiga not also be asked to state her stand on these as well?
Anyway, what if you have no religion? I mean, this Muralitharan fellow is quoting religion as the reason why he is demanding that Ambiga state her stand on LGBTs. So what if you do not believe in God and hence you do not subscribe to any religion? What if you think that all religions are bullshit and you think that God does not exist? Do you still need to state your stand on LGBTs? Remember, this Tambi from Johor is quoting religion as the reason why Ambiga has to state her stand on LGBTs. Hence, if you do not have a religion then you need not state your stand. Is this how I should read this statement?
Okay, since this Muralitharan fellow is so concerned about religion and he wants people like Ambiga to state her stand on what religion forbids, then should he not also state his stand? In fact, this Tambi should first state his stand. Only then can he demand others to also state their stand.
Okay, since this Muralitharan fellow wants to talk religion, let us talk religion. Islam is the religion of the Federation. So let us talk about what Islam believes. Agreed, Islam is against LGBTs. No dispute there. But that is not the only thing that Islam is against. Islam is against many things. I do not care what the non-Islam religions believe. Those are not the religions of the Federation. Only Islam is the religion of the Federation. So only Islam matters. Other religions do not matter.
Does this Muralitharan fellow want to talk about that as well since we are talking about religion and he is demanding that Ambiga state her stand on LGBTs because of religion? As I said, Islam forbids rape, murder, corruption, cruelty, gambling, abuse of power, wastage, mismanagement of public funds, persecution, racism, nepotism, and much more. So we need to talk about those as well.
Islam also forbids idols and idol worshipping. Can we also talk about that? Does this Muralitharan fellow believe in idols and idol worshipping? Islam is opposed to that. In Afghanistan, the Talibans blew up Buddhist statues because Islam is opposed to these. This is what the Muslims believe and since Islam is the religion of the Federation the Muslims have no problems with that.
What does this Tambi from Johor have to say about that? Does he support what the Talibans did in Afghanistan? Or does he oppose what Islam believes? But how can he oppose what Islam believes since Islam is the religion of the Federation? This is sedition. Muralitharan can be arrested and will be sent to jail if he insults Islam, the religion of the Federation.
Slaughtering cows for sacrifice and then eating the meat of these slaughtered cows is a noble Islamic thing to do, especially on Hari Raya Haji. And since Islam is the religion of the Federation then what Islam says matter. Muslims can slaughter cows in Parliament House, in schools, on the streets, anywhere at all they wish to slaughter these cows.
I hope Muralitharan has no problems with this. This is a good thing for Muslims to do. It is a noble thing to do. And Islam is the religion of the Federation so what Muslims want is what matters.
Yes, Muralitharan is so concerned about what religion allows and forbids. He is so concerned about what religion allows and forbids that he is demanding that Ambiga state her stand on LGBTs. Then let us also state our stand on all matters that religion allows and forbids. Let’s not just talk about LGBTs. Religion is more than just gay sex. Religion covers more than just sex or gay sex. And since Islam is the religion of the Federation then we should focus on what Islam allows and forbids. And while Islam forbids a LGBT lifestyle, it also forbids many other things as well. And idols and idol worshipping is another thing that Islam forbids.
So what the Talibans did in Afghanistan is correct. The Talibans punish those with a LGBT lifestyle and they blow up Buddhist statues. They also slaughter cows and eat the meat. That is the Islamic thing to do. And would Muralitharan dare speak out against this also since he is so concerned about what religion allows and forbids?