Gerakan ready to work with ‘enemies’

The BN party will work with Pakatan grassroots leaders and members who are unhappy with the DAP-helmed state government.

(FMT) – Penang Gerakan would work even with disgruntled Pakatan Rakyat leaders and members to achieve its political goal in the next general election.

Its chairman Dr Teng Hock Nan said the party hoped to win all four parliamentary and 13 state seats that it would contest in Penang under Barisan Nasional banner.

He indicated at a press conference here today that the “my enemies’ enemies are my friends” concept would help Gerakan to resolve people’s issues effectively and reduce bad mouthing against the party candidates in the next polls.

Teng claimed that many Pakatan grassroots leaders and members were unhappy with the DAP-helmed state government for carrying out policies against the people’s wishes.

He cited Tanjung Bungan assemblyman Teh Yee Cheu as one such upset DAP elected representative.

Teh recently criticised Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s administration for carrying out indiscriminate hillside and high-density developments in his constituency.

But his outburst did not go down well with the party leadership.

The state DAP has issued directive to him to explain his media comments.

Teng paid tribute to Teh for being a honourable elected representative by speaking out for the people without fear or favour.

“We can always work with people like Teh to achieve common goals,” he told newsmen.

Also present were BN state chief and Gerakan secretary general Teng Chang Yeow, party senior leader Chin Fook Weng, state secretary Goh Kheng Sneah and vice chairman Ong Thean Lye.

War against bitter foe

Earlier, in his speech at the “GE13 Briefing Session” for party grassroots at its state headquarters, Dr Teng called on all members to set aside their personal differences, views and opinions to be united and strong to face the next polls.

Given that Gerakan helmed BN state leadership, he said it was imperative for party grassroots to forge close ties with their counterparts from other BN component parties and BN friendly parties to consolidate the coalition’s position in the state.

“If Gerakan and BN are strongly united, we can face the election with confidence,” he told members.

Chang Yeow also reminded Gerakan leaders and members to leave behind their personal differences and political ambitions for time being to stay as an united team to face the greater enemy outside.

He said they can vie and fight all out for all party positions at all levels next year, but for now “it’s time for war against our common bitter foe.”

“We are facing a fierce challenge in the next polls,” he said.


