PKR MP: I was offered RM5m to jump ship

PKR Indera Makhota MP Azan Ismail reveals that there was an attempt to entice him and other PKR MPs in 2010.

(FMT) – A PKR leader today claimed that there was an attempt in 2010 to buy over several PKR MPs by a “respected figure” who “use to hold a high station in government”.

Indera Makhota MP Azan Ismail told a press conference today that he was offered more than RM5 million in a five-star hotel in Kuala Lumpur on Jan 27 that year.

But he said he rejected the sum out of “integrity”.

However, Azan refused to divulge more details of who were the individuals involved and what took place in the hotel.

He said he needed some time to prepare the full script of what happened that day, hinting that he even had visuals.

This was the latest part in Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad’s mini series on alleged attempts by Barisan Nasional to buy over opposition MPs.

For the past two weeks, Khalid had shown parts of a full video clip showing two “BN agents” attempting to strike a deal with a couple, said to be representatives of a PKR MP.

Khalid claimed that the video, shot in 2010 as well, was part of the attempt to buy at least 15 opposition MPs, mainly from PKR.

It was claimed that the agents offered RM2 million to one MP to jump ship and also offered government contracts as an additional inducement.

Khalid said the revelation by Azan, whom he describes as a “star witness” today, was separate from the video clip.


