Who is plotting to blackmail Khalid?

Popular blogger Raja Petra reveals a secret video recording from Selangor MB’s office, saying that such internal sabotage was going to hand the state back to the BN.

(FMT) – Popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin has revealed that there are more than one video taken from a hidden video camera in Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim’s office at the state secretariat.

He posted a 15-minute-long video clip which showed a video camera showing Khalid working at his table.

He added that the video clip which he had published was not the same one which Khalid discovered in the hidden camera in August 2011.

“Well, we are publishing 15 minutes of one of the videos [one that was not in the camera] just to show you that more videos do exist. There is nothing damaging in this particular video, though,” Raja Petra said in his posting in Malaysia Today late yesterday.

Following the discovery of the secret camera in his office, Khalid told the media then that he was not sure how long he was being secretly filmed.

He also said that he was not sure who placed the secret camera in his office. He added that he had found only one video in the camera.

With no one taking responsibility over the secret camera, fingers were immediately pointed at PKR deputy president Azmin Ali, a man with known animosity towards Khalid.

Raja Petra said that Azmin’s people were “telling everyone that in the other still unpublicised copies of the video, it is a bit embarrassing for Khalid, as it shows him a bit too manja with a certain woman”.

“Was this hidden video camera aimed at catching Khalid and the woman in a compromising position? Only those who placed the hidden video camera there can tell us that – whoever that may be,” said Raja Petra.

“Who placed the camera there and who is in possession of all the videos? Also, are there any videos that are damaging and which can be used to blackmail Khalid?” he asked.


