Opposition pact practises double standards: MCA Youth

(Bernama) – The MCA Youth today slammed the opposition pact for practising double standards over a question raised by Duyong State Assemblyman Gan Tian Loo during the Melaka state legislative assembly sitting on Monday.

Its secretary-general, Datuk Chai Kim Sen, said opposition pact members obviously held the belief that only they were allowed to raise issues.
But, whenever there were unfavourable rumours circulating against them, they would throw all kinds of ‘conspiracy theories’ in an attempt to evade answering questions pertaining to them, he noted.
“Betty Chew is the state assemblyman for Kota Laksamana, and not just the wife of the Penang chief minister. She may choose to refute or clarify, or choose to answer and not answer the question,” he said in a statement here today.
Chai said DAP assemblymen’s action in accusing MCA of a conspiracy outside the state assembly and staging a walkout had made the issue complicated.
He added, both the government and the opposition were responsible for raising questions on various issues in the state legislative assembly or in Parliament.
Chai said, from time to time, representatives of the opposition pact DAP-PKR-PAS in both state assembly and Parliament would ask Barisan Nasional representatives to clarify certain rumours being circulated by the online media, saying it was all part of democracy and tranparency.
The Melaka State Assembly suspended five DAP assemblymen — Chew (Kota Laksamana), Goh Leong San (Kesidang), Khoo Poay Tiong (Ayer Keroh), Tey Kok Kiew (Banda Hilir) and Lim Jak Wong (Bachang) — for six months for defiance and causing a commotion at its sitting today.
