Betty defends Guan Eng, hits out at MCA

The wife of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng accuses Dr Chua Soi Lek of condoning a BN conspiracy to spread lies about her husband’s allegedly secret affair with a former staff.

(FMT) – Betty Chew, the wife of Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, today defended her husband against allegation that he allegedly had an secret relationship with a former staff, slamming the MCA for spreading sensational lies.

Chew who is also the Kota Laksamana state assemblywoman, said she was disappointed with MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek for dismissing the “sensational lies raised against my husband as my husband’s problems”.

“Clearly Chua condones the conspiracy by BN [Barisan Nasional] using the Malacca State Legislative Assembly as platform by Malacca MCA chairman Gan Tian Loo, to spread lies that my husband had a secret relationship with a former staff and that I had assaulted her and my husband.

“How can this be my husband’s problem when these were lies spread by MCA? My husband did not have an affair with his former staff and I had repeatedly said I had never argued with her or assaulted her or anyone for that matter.

“As a person who knew the pain his family and wife went through after Chua’s video sex tape with another woman was exposed, I would have thought that Chua would not use the same tactics on his opponents, especially when they are lies.

“Why is it that MCA up to now cannot show proof that I had hit anyone? Chua should either state these allegations or direct Gan to repeat his allegations outside the Dewan Undangan Negeri Melaka (Malacca State Legislative Assembly),” she said in a statement today.

She said DAP leaders and herself had challenged Gan many times to repeat the allegation out of the state assembly, but till todate “he has no guts to repeat it outside the state assembly because he knows the allegation is not true and if he repeats outside, my husband and I will sue him in court”.

She accused Gan of being a coward hiding behind the state assembly immunity, where a state assemblyman cannot be taken to court for any allegation uttered in the state assembly.

“I can only sue Gan if he says it outside the assembly. Gan is trying to run away from responsibility after defaming me and my husband. Is this MCA style of politicking?

“I have already warned Gan in the assembly that if he has no guts to repeat outside what he said in the assembly, he will forever be seen as ‘the rat running across the street’ by the community.”

Demeaning remarks

Chew said Chua should know the impact the allegation would have on the couple’s children, more so if it was a blatant lie.

“Instead of seeking truth… and asking Gan to repeat outside, Chua has chosen to attack my husband. Chua should know why my husband is so angry with him for such remarks because my husband has no wrong to admit; he fears that our children and me will be hurt by these lies. We don’t want our children to go to school and be subjected to the trauma repeatedly,” she added.


