Responses to ‘We need political reforms, not just electoral reforms’
I am publishing three e-mails that I received in response to my article ‘We need political reforms, not just electoral reforms’. I thought I would share what these people said with you, although I am not able to reveal the names of the last two people. I have not, however, responded to these comments, which I might do later.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
RPK- you have been fooled!!!!
I cannot but laugh at the naivety that you portray in your latest article
Surely it is a pity that such a capable and intelligent person like you could not gauge that political reform does not mean the reality for the common folks. In guise political reform in Malaysia is about BN or PR not the policies or how well it serves the common folks. Really!!!!you must acknowledge the fact that whenever we talk about scandals involving politicians everyone has a zillion things to say but when we talk about policies and issues, nobody is interested even when it is the truth.
The wayang kulit served well for the opposition politicians on the run down to GE12, but not anymore when you actually speak your mind for the reality, as they are afraid to lose their power. Power is even a greater evil than money. Today you have become the GOD sent devil for the opposition. What more can I say when I reflect back to your above article which appears that you have come to a position that you need to justify your position for the semua tahu Malaysians.
The funny and sad part of the whole equation is, when you need to justify something even when you do the right thingy to savour the palate of the semua tahu Malaysians who did jack shit and expect someone else to do the dirty job that they won’t even indulge in except for their materially enhanced souls for the escapism that they find with people like you. That is Malaysians for you: NATO.
I am glad that you have reached your saturation point, because the communities’ goals are not determined by the quantity but the quality of people you have around you like-minded beyond their personal escapism.
Olympic is opening in London in 11 days. The largest sculpture in London is inaugurated by the colourful Mayor Boris Johnson courtesy of Indian born designer and financier. Now is this political reform or policies?
Yet in Malaysia, kita semua tahu for self sustaining agenda without a cause that only can serve our own escapism. How to build a Malaysian community irrespective of the origin with such imbeciles for what is humane and the reality when we ourselves don’t reform and expect a political reform in these pseudo politicians?
R. Shan (Human Being)
Just arrived. In taxi reading your article.
Good one. But personally I think you let them off a bit easily.
The fact is that you have uncovered evidence which demonstrates that the declaration has been ignored by PR, e.g. corruption in state government, desire for Hudud from PAS, behaviour of Anwar and Azmin re. Bersih/power greed.., etc. You have also sussed out the over-riding hypocrisy of its leadership in offering an alternative, when in reality the three parties remain ideologically irreconcilable.
On top of that, any advances on your side to offer high quality candidates via MCLM that would have been true to the Declaration was rebuffed, etc.
To me, therefore, there is no question that needs to be answered about where they stand. You know the answer yourself, and you are/have been acting accordingly.
(E-mail from a very close lawyer friend)
Dear Pete,
I trust Marina and yourself are keeping well.
Thank you for alerting me to your latest article. It makes, as usual, interesting reading.
I must confess though, that I am a little more than perturbed by your recent attitude towards our fledgling and struggling opposition alliance. I particularly refer to the stance you have adopted as regards your support for any party which embraces the Peoples Declaration in toto, whether it be the opposition or the party in power.
I also take cognisance of your chagrin at the seemingly back-peddling momentum exhibited by some of the opposition party members vis-a-vis their earlier positive stance on the fundamentals enshrined in that Declaration.
This makes me wonder.
At present there are really only two viable alternatives to government…BN or PR. After 55 years of BN rule, it would be a question of trying to preach to the stoic unconvertible if you really expect this Declaration to be adopted by them overnight, or ever. There is too much at stake for them to lose.
It is ingrained in their psyche that the rakyat come last and their rice bowls first. You cannot possibly for one moment think that is plausible. The only alternative is to address the issue with an organization more likely to consider the elemental basis of this Declaration and in fact actually pay it more than a passing cursory glance. In fact they have done more than that as you admit.
So is there really a choice? What alternative do you have? I for one would rather place my bet on the Pakatan horse than the BN one. This is if I am really concerned about the guidance provided for by the contents of this Declaration in terms of ‘political reform’ actually manifesting in the next government. I don’t think you can argue with that.
So, leaving that issue aside for one moment, let’s consider where we are and where we want to be in the next 50 years. You would not have spent the last 14 years seeking the ever-elusive political reformation of this country by BN-bashing if you didn’t believe you were doing the right thing. You know, as well as everyone else, that the only way forward for this country is to extricate itself from the hegemony of unbridled and unchecked rule by one party for 55 years. This in effect means getting rid of BN. No two ways about that.
On more than one occasion you have taken advantage of the strategies of Sun Tzu and his advice on the art of war. Let’s not beat about the bush. We are at war.
And when one goes to war it is of the utmost importance to declare which side you are on. You cannot be on both sides. It doesn’t work that way. And when you have made that decision, you must stick to it because you made that decision for some very good reason.
If you feel your troops are not performing as well as they should, you don’t attack them. You just make sure they stay on your side and send them back to the front lines. All your resources should be focussed on the real enemy. Otherwise you are wasting your ammunition on your own men. And when this happens, the other side gains an advantage.
Yes, nothing in this world is perfect and nothing ever will be. But some things are more perfect than others and that is what becomes attractive. There is beauty in imperfection.
And while we are on the periphery of the subject of nature, don’t you think a two-party system of relatively equal strength is what this country needs? If we all pull our resources in ensuring the underdog gets a proper go at the next GE, and, insyaAllah, actually get to form the next government by a slim majority, your job, as watch-keeper and guardian of all that is, or should be, good and proper, will be over. You can go into retirement and start smelling roses for a change.
You know why? Because the opposition (BN) will do your job of keeping Pakatan on its toes. You will be out of work. And hopefully, we will have achieved a true ‘Westminster style’ government where the party ever in power is there with a very slim majority. This system will self perpetuate. All it needs is a ‘leg up’ to get it rolling.
There is no point being ‘neutral’ or keeping a watch on the opposition so that they stick to the straight and narrow at this stage. Who cares if they deviate a little? That has to be ignored because that is petty compared with the mother of all battles looming on the horizon.
We all need to get behind the cart and push it up the hill till we reach the crest. Momentum will carry it on from there. It’s called the force of gravity. Again, something to do with nature.
There is no point standing around and cursing the square wheels and kicking the tyres. Just push. The wheels can be fixed later. What is important is getting to that crest.
So please, Pete, push for all you are worth. Don’t kick tyres. There is time for that later and believe me, there will be a load of other buggers trying to do the same too.
(E-mail from another very close lawyer friend)