Another sodomy trial in the making?

A popular pro-Umno blogger claims of a new sodomy allegation against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim while critics have already started to call it ‘yet another Umno conspiracy’.

Teoh El Sen, FMT

Pro-Umno blogger Papagomo ( has claimed that a fresh sodomy case was being brought against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

In a blog posting yesterday night, the blogger claimed that he had received information that a university student had lodged a police report againt the PKR de facto leader, claiming to have been sodomised the previous night.

The blogger alleged that the report was made in a police station in one of the northern states in the country.

“It is not known if the report is real or not but what is certain is that all embassies in Malaysia must not to protect Anwar if he decides to hide himself like he did in the previous sodomy case,” wrote the blogger.

Without divulging more, the blogger teased his readers, asking them wait for more in the next development.

Attempts by FMT to obtain a confirmation from the police if such a police report existed were unsuccessful.

Papagomo had also posted a photo of the said student in a police vehicle. The student was accompanied by another man in what appeared to be a police patrol car.

When contacted today, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar however said no such  report had been lodged.

“No report so far,” he told FMT.

Anwar’s aide meanwhile said the opposition leader was presently away on an official visit to Jakarta.

Umno’s new tactic

In an immediate response, Edy Noor Reduan, a spokesperson for the PKR-linked Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) said that this ‘Sodomy III’ would be Umno’s brand new tactic.

He noted that this third installment followed the failures to prove the previous two other sodomy ‘conspiracies’ against Anwar.

“The public is sick with news items that are obscene in nature and will be nauseated if another conspiracy is created. Utusan [Malaysia] will once again compete with Playboy magazine.

“And for sure tens of millions of public funds will be used to construct a ‘state of the art’ conspiracy since Sodomy II failed to put Anwar behind bars,” he said in a statement.

PKR’s strategic director Rafizi Ramli also rubbished this latest claim in a tweet feed late last night.


