Just a Thought

Francis Kok

In Malaysia, now – our country, crime rate is on the rise. Does anyone wonder why or just pay money for Security and Bodyguards in wherever they stay – housing that are blocked, confined with guards? But have they ever considered that crime or illegal activities is active within their own spaces?

Everything seems so racial – gambling is ok to Chinese, haram to Malays and Muslims. But do a check in every housing estate, in every taman – there is an illegal cybercafe doing illegal internet gambling – and most of the patrons are Malays, the bosses of these cafes are 100% Chinese. Why not close them down? Then we have the famous words – “Not within our authourity” – Bull shit isn’t it?
Don’t believe what I said? Take a tour in Sitiawan, Manjung, Pantai Remis, Lumut, I think altogether there are 100 illegal gambling cybercafes out there. I have not mentioned KL, Selangor or the rest of the states. Better not say more, if not, I may need to be exiled to Timbuktu.
Gambling is haram, right? But ok to Chinese in Genting. Genting is Genting, what happened to the rest of the states? Operasi? Wayang only, the PDRM don’t behave like CSI – kill the root first. Kill the supply of PCs, kill the main supply – then we will see – who supplies the PCs for these cafes.
How i wish I can be like RPK, pack my bags – go to UK, then whack Opposition and Government, why? For a better Malaysia. 
Wonder why am I telling you this. Maybe I’m just rambling, or am drunk – haram for Malays, and yet, come Chinese New Year, all my Malay friends are more drunk than I am.
Life is funny isnt it?
