The way to win voters’ hearts and minds

AY, Kuala Lumpur, The Star

I WOULD love to share my opinion as a rakyat on the coming general election.

Both the Government coalition and the Opposition coalition must not take the rakyat for granted or think that we are dumb. Do not insult our intelligence by telling us matters based on sentiments, not facts.

In reality the rakyat have nothing against the political parties, but we are totally against tyrants, gangsters, and the boastful, deceitful and less smart politicians from both sides.

They need to field fresh faces and fresh talents. If they are really good leaders, they will guide their parties to succeed without behaving like power-crazed leaders.

All Muslim leaders must portray the good qualities of a Muslim. They should be able to lead according to good Islamic principles for leaders.

If they are not qualified, then please don’t bother to contest and lead the Muslim rakyat astray. It is better to pass the baton to non-Muslim leaders with excellent character and good leadership.

For instance, many Muslim politicians do not walk the talk. They make laws that forbid Muslims from drinking in Malaysia, but yet they drink alcoholic beverages in private or social gatherings.

We do not need this type of leaders. No more empty promises, no spending of the rakyat’s money like their own.

We do not need candies and superficial rewards. We need change. The current Government must change. We want stability.

Please remove all politicians in the existing Government with fresh faces with clean backgrounds and an aspiration to succeed. It is time for all senior politicians to make way for fresh and new ideas.

If they really put the party first, they will just make way for the new people to lead the party to succeed. It is just like a tumour; if you don’t remove the tumour, you cannot save the body.

