Bumburing ‘ready’ to take on BN

It is reliably learnt that Wilfred Bumburing’s Sabah Reform Front will be teaming up with Pakatan Rakyat and would eventually use one of the coalition’s symbol in the 13th GE.

Michael Kaung, FMT

KOTA KINABALU: United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation (Upko) deputy president Wilfred Bumburing “is ready” to lead a new movement and sources here say that he is hoping to mount a “strong challenge and a united front” against the ruling Barisan Nasional.

Bumburing is expected to quit his Upko party and announce the formation of a new movement called “Sabah Reform Front” in Dalit, Tuaran, on Sunday.

The Tuaran MP is expected to be joined by several Upko grassroots leaders and those disaffected party supporters out of the ruling BN when he severs ties with his former party.

According to inside sources, Bumburing is all geared up to “take on” BN in the next general election.

“The issue is not about a leader leaving a political party (BN-Upko) bringing with him several fellow leaders and party members en masse.

“It is about several leaders led by one man going out in response to mass calls by the people at large, including several former grassroots party members, who have earlier ditched BN, for him to come out and lead them in the opposition front,” the sources said here yesterday.

They said the calls for Bumburing to quit BN and lead them came mainly from the Kadazandusun groups.

“Subsequently, the same call also came from party (Upko) members, who have not come out yet, for him to lead them in the mass exodus.

“How large the tsunami will be will only be known come Sunday,” the sources said.

It was also reliably learnt that the Sabah Reform Front led by Bumburing might possibly be teaming up with Pakatan Rakyat, and would eventually use the symbol of any party of their choice in Pakatan in the upcoming general election.

Anwar in Sabah on Sunday

On Monday, Bumburing resigned as BN chairman for Tuaran amidst new speculation that a snap general election is likely to be called in September this year.

However, Bumburing did not provide or state the reasons for relinquishing the post, and in his brief statement, he said he would be making an important announcement with regard to the future direction of his political struggle during a special gathering in Dalit, Tuaran, on Sunday.


