Karpal warns MCA to stop exploiting hudud issue

(Bernama) – DAP chairman Karpal Singh today warned the MCA to stop exploiting the hudud issue among Malaysians.

Urging MCA to stop its act as it was a waste of time, he said, “In any event, it is not going to work”.   

Karpal was commenting on the reported quote by MCA central committee member, Loh Seng Kok, saying DAP leaders, with the exception of national chairman Karpal Singh, were mere “yes men” for PAS.  

Loh also stated that DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang and his son Guan Eng may as well step down as they had failed to stop PAS from pursuing its goal of implementing hudud in the country.   

Karpal Singh said the statement was unfair as DAP’s stance was always against the hudud law and an Islamic state.   

As to whether he would take any action against MCA if they carried on about the issue, Karpal Singh said “If they do not, then the people will stop them in the coming general election”.  

“Just like how the people almost eliminated the MCA in the last 2008 polls. The people can do it again. At that time, MCA was on the brink of elimination,” he warned.  

He added that DAP however accepted Islam as the official religion, provided for under the Federal Constitution. 

