Treachery, treachery & treachery


In RPK’s most recent post The principle behind the stand: the lesser of the evils in which he mused over Malaysian politics being far more complex than the simplistic low-brow Bush-ism of choosing between black or white, which alas, many Pakatan, especially PKR people are obdurately promoting.


I see their current but muddled concept of ‘the end justifying the means and thus the lesser of the two evils’ as nothing more than an argumentative salvage operation, and then, only after years of blinkered fanatical belief in a non-existent reformasi.

That reformasi fallacy has finally given way to reluctant and grudging acknowledgement that (blast and double blast!) Anwar and his PKR inner coterie may not be so sweet smelling after all.

Yes, it has been a salvage operation, but not unlike its earlier blinkered fanatical belief in, and without remorse about, the now semi-abandoned fallacy of reformasi, it has taken a new life on its own as a nouvelle mantra, ABU, which, with deepest apologies and respect to Brother Haris Ibrahim, as a campaign in the hands of mindless, moronic and muddled-headed fanatics is alas, equally mindless, moronic and muddled-headed.

But that as it may, let’s examine one of RPK’s hypotheses in his post, where he postulated a not implausible scenario post GE-13, as follows:

Say Barisan Nasional wins 110 Parliament seats in total. The balance 112 Parliament seats are shared between PKR, DAP and PAS. Say DAP wins 40 seats, PKR 37 seats and PAS 35 seats. Who will get to form the government?

Barisan Nasional, a legally registered party, has the most number of seats, 110, compared to DAP, PKR and PAS who all won less than 110 seats each. You may argue that DAP, PKR and PAS can always combine their seats, which means the total would be 112 and hence more than Barisan Nasional’s 110.

Are you sure? What if they can’t? What if His Majesty the Agong wants to see a Memorandum of Understanding signed by all three parties that spells out very clearly and specifically the terms of the ‘Unity Government’ that DAP, PKR and PAS are going to form?

And what if DAP insists that one of the terms of the MoU must be that Malaysia retains its Secular State status while PAS insists that the implementation of Hudud be one of the terms of the MoU?

And because of this conflict, DAP, PKR and PAS end up in a deadlock and cannot sign the MoU and hence the Agong swears in the new Barisan Nasional government.

If you think RPK is pulling a fast one on the MoU, please recall the situation in Selangor post 08 March 2008 when HRH required a form of unwritten MoU along the lines which RPK has hinted at. HRH had then thoroughly interviewed PKR’s Khalid Ibrahim and his allies in PAS and DAP?

Obviously, one of several reasons persuading HRH to resort to that was undoubtedly his concerns that the new Pakatan majority alliance might not quite come together to form a viable state government, which wasn’t far off the track if we can be brave enough to admit that intra Pakatan socio-cultural-religious differences and attitudes had led to, without mincing our word/thoughts, Teresa Kok being denied her due rights to be deputy MB (as leader of second largest component party in Pakatan) because of illiberal prejudice against her 3C’s, namely, Chinese, Christian and a Chabor (woman).

But blissfully or deliberately oblivious of reality like an ostrich overfed, overdosed and over-addicted with anwarista-ism wakakaka, one of RPK’s visitors (also mine, though he’s noticeably less rude and less abusive with his comments at Malaysia-Today, wakakaka) wrote:

actually the above is the best case scenario possible.

Barisan can no longer ramrod through any piece of legislation they like. They in fact have to take in to account Pakatan’s wishes for every single piece of law they want to pass.

And if DAP, PAS and PKR so desires, they can carry a no confidence vote through anytime. They have the numbers mah.

We will then see a much more compliant UMNO PM then. 

Wakakaka. The following will be a more realistic and far more likely scenario ensuing from RPK’s GE-13 outcome of ‘Barisan Nasional win[ning] 110 Parliament seats in total. The balance 112 Parliament seats are shared between PKR, DAP and PAS. Say DAP wins 40 seats, PKR 37 seats and PAS 35 seats.

In a scenario regarding ‘Hudud vs Secular State’, and adding into it the situation of UMNO (and cronies) losing power dominance, we may safely assume that UMNO will persuade PAS and its 35 MP to join them to form a new ‘Islamic Coalition’, thus with a clear mandate to rule, though just 3 MPs short of 2/3 majority.

Yes, we may indeed assume that if MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other lesser creatures form part of BN’s 110, these serfs will go along with Tai-Koe’s embrace of hudud as the new legislative system. After all, WTF do you think they have been doing in the last 30 years?

Besides, won’t Tai-Koe say exactly the same thing to its MCA, MIC, Gerakan, etc cronies that PKR is now saying, which would be “Let’s get into power first, and sort out the religious issue later” wakakaka.

Now, does anyone for one instant still stubbornly believe this new ‘Islamic Coalition’ cannot ‘recruit’ another 3 MPs to have a 2/3 majority in federal parliament?

Do you imagine that the PKR’s ‘inner coterie’ will stay aloof? Au contraire, it’ll be a bloody miracle if they don’t crush PAS underfoot in their stampede to their Mothership, wakakaka.

Believe me, it’s not an implausible scenario where PAS will rationalise their treachery to Pakatan as the overriding imperative of a higher calling to do Allah’s will. And right alongside PAS, or more probably ahead of PAS wakakaka, PKR’s inner coterie will similarly argue that they have to respect the overriding imperative of ‘Malay Unity’.

Of course, while PAS may well be sincerely earnest in their Islamic obligation, no matter how insincerely treacherous their allegiance to secular partnership, PKR’s bottom line will not be unlike UMNO’s, where a truism common to both is that it’s always better to be on the familiar old gravy train than off it, wakakaka.

Yo matey, then you’ll all be back to Square One wakakaka. The most fertile scenario for such an eventuality will be a hung parliament. You won’t only lose what you have been hoping and dreaming of, but you will be traumatically broken-hearted.


