‘Do not carry bags in public’

FOR SAFETY REASONS: Cops advise women not to tote them to avoid attracting snatch thieves

(NST) – PERAK police chief Datuk Mohd Shukri Dahlan  advised women not to carry handbags in public for safety reasons, especially during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive season.

He said women who carry their handbags around would attract criminals, especially snatch thieves.

“It will be good for women to avoid carrying their handbags in public places to avoid crimes of opportunity,” he said at the district police headquarters yesterday.

He said this after witnessing the handing over of duties by acting district police chief Assistant Superintendent Noor Janihan Nayan to the new district police chief Superintendent Ng Kong Soon.

Shukri also reminded the public to take extra precautions during the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations.

“Make sure the house doors and windows are locked, outside lights are switched on and inform the nearest police station before you start your balik kampung journey.”

On another matter, Shukri said police had released four men, believed to be responsible for last month’s hijacking of a Perak Transit Sdn Bhd bus due to insufficient evidence to charge them in court.

He said the case had been referred to the deputy public prosecutor’s office, who then advised that the case be dropped.

“The bus driver was unable to identify the suspects during an identification parade. Consequently, the police had to release them two weeks ago.”

In the July 5 incident, four men had hijacked the bus at Jalan Sultan Yusof after assaulting the driver, D. Maniraja, 50.

Police picked up the four suspects at a restaurant at Medan Kidd here four days later.
