Ex-DAP man slams ‘Lim dynasty’ ally

In DAP, disciplinary action is only taken against those who are ‘not closely linked’ to the Lim Dynasty, claims a former grassroot leader. 

Athi Shankar, FMT

A former DAP grassroots leader has slammed party disciplinary committee (DC) chairman Tan Kok Wai as a ‘mere loyal servant’ to the party’s fast emerging and dominant “Lim Dynasty”.

Tan Tuan Tat, who resigned from the party yesterday, said Kok Wai had only been a blind canine or rather ball polisher for the dynasty, especially to secure his Cheras MP seat for seven terms.

Lim Dynasty is a popular political idiom expressed by DAP grassroots to taunt the internal faction led by party’s national advisor Lim Kit Siang and his son and secretary general Guan Eng.

Tan, who was a DAP member of 18 years, said Kok Wai was not qualified to head the five-man DC given his limited educational background.

“It was not a surprise that DAP national chairman Karpal Singh blasted Kok Wai as unfit to be the DC chairman.

“Kok Wai is not a lawyer, but trying to be one.

“But what can the grassroots members do?” asked Tan.

Yesterday Kok Wai hinted that Tan resigned after he was charged with forging 149 membership forms to form three pro-tem branches in Sungai Pelek.

“These people from Sungai Pelek and elsewhere had attended an event and their MyKads were used to sign them up as party members without their knowledge,” he said.

Tan, a former Selangor DAP publicity secretary, has however challenged Kok Wai to publicly identify the said event.

“Or else he should stop speaking like a child,” said the former DAP chairman of Taman Sri Sungai Pelek branch.

Disciplinary actions

Tan alleged that the only reason he, like many others before him, had been slapped with disciplinary action was due to his close links with DAP central executive committee member and Selangor assembly speaker Teng Chang Khim, an arch rival to Guan Eng.

Due to his own high education background, capabilities and abilities, Tan claimed that he was seen as a threat by those in the dynasty.

“DAP teaches and encourages freedom of expression to the world.

“But internally, it uses DC as a Guan Eng’s political tool to silence vocal members with dissenting views,” he alleged.


