Two come to Tuan Tat’s defence over forgery accusations

(The Star) – Ex-Sepang DAP parliamentary liaison committee member Tan Tuan Tat, who was accused of forging 149 membership forms, has produced two former party supporters to back him up.

Mahful Wahid said he had collected membership forms from some 100 people in Kampung Teluk Manggis and Taman Kedidi as they were interested in becoming DAP members.

“I approached Tan for help to submit the forms to Selangor DAP. Why was he accused of forgery?” he said, adding that he, too, had been interested in joining DAP.

Such accusations, added Mahful, had caused him to lose confidence in Pakatan Rakyat.

DAP disciplinary committee chairman Tan Kok Wai said that Tuan Tat, who had been in the party for 18 years, had been charged with forging the membership forms to set up three pro tem branches in Sungai Pelek, Sepang.

He also claimed that the MyKad of people from Sungai Pelek were used without their knowledge to enrol them as DAP members.

Former Pantai Sepang Putra DAP chief R. Veerasamy echoed Mahful’s views, saying that he had also approached Tuan Tat for help to forward the forms to the state DAP’s office.

“In the end, I was found guilty of falsifying the applications and sacked,” he said during a press conference here yesterday.

Denying the accusations, Tuan Tat said it was meant to slander his integrity and credibility.

“Don’t defame me. I did not forge any forms.

“The forms were genuine and came from people who wanted to join DAP,” he said.

Tuan Tat, who used to be Taman Sri Sungai Pelek branch chairman before leaving the party last week, said DAP had deviated from its original spirit and essence.

He also disputed Tan’s charge that he was sacked from the party.

“How can I be sacked when I resigned first?” he said.

